Indoor 50 Shades of Ganja..Automatic for the Waxi

just seen your auto grow subbed bro
Welcome, my Brother!
Hey, ? for you.. "That" pink amnesia... Its an auto, right? I'm thinking I'm going to pop that and the Moby D XXL in the greenhouse, this Spring :) Seems like the right genetics for a first GH grow :)
:Sharing One:
I like how this just old hat to you guys. You all seem to be on auto pilot, you know what youre gonna grow and your journals are easy to follow. Maybe I'll catch on planning and documenting aren't my strong suit.
I like how this just old hat to you guys. You all seem to be on auto pilot, you know what youre gonna grow and your journals are easy to follow. Maybe I'll catch on planning and documenting aren't my strong suit.
My Brother, When I first came to AFN, I was not growing so hot.. Just wasn't ever dialing it in... Since being here, I feel like I got put on Cannabolic steroids!! lolol
I've learned soooooo much from each and every member that I've come in contact with.
So.. Drink it all in, and one day soon you'll be looking at some kind in the tent and it'll hit you- You're dialed in!
And, then a little flying thing will waft up from your soil... and, dialed in just vanished...POOF..... lolololol
Best "hobby" I've ever gotten into..I'll say that!
:Sharing One:
Same with me lol. Planning is not my strong suit but thanks to everyone here im getting better after each grow. Setting up the journals and asking millions of questions are the best ways of getting better at growing and making new friends too.

You gotta do research too dont get me wrong, but getting answers from people who do it infront of you is way better. Like fadeds fim instructional, never tried it before so id stay away from it. Now though seeing him do it right and then his instruction plus his friendship best way to learn. Alright rant is over lol just got my bom prize and so im so happy and thankful for this community. Love u guys!! Btw waxi i didnt get a SODK in the pack! but i got some Sour Crack :)
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Nothing better than a 420 Update! LOLOL

The veg tent has been conquered.. by a bevy of Beautiful Auto Babes!

Here are the Mephisto Womens..Day 16 from pop.
SODKs in the front, Triangle Kush in back. Doing fine! Sturdy main stems and just loving 1/2 strength Sensi with a B52 chaser :)

And, my Virgin Dragons
The back 3 are Stone, the front are Russian x GDH. I lost one each at day 4- dug down to find a yellow mushy spot... RIP, Tiny Firebreathers. And, the front Russian was a close save, hopefully.. She was fighting her seed hull underground, but I managed to pick her free and she's coming on, now :)

Now that we have a greenhouse out back, I feel better about my options for giving this many Ladies proper space. Of course, the Dragons may have some Blokes among the ranks, so there's that....

You can't tell that we're celebrating 420 with abandon... lolololol *drool....*

So, there's the latest Shades of Waxi!

Som love, Y'all!
"AFN smoke out""AFN smoke out""AFN smoke out""AFN smoke out"
:karma Cloud:female karma sent.:woohoo:baby dragon's:DragonMasters::Riding the Dragon:i am praying for nadia komaneech!:hug:mephisto girl's looking sexy"Dancing Psiren""Dancing Psiren""Dancing Psiren":drool::bone:fishing in about a month!!:Cheers:

It's a pipe dream to hope for all Ladies... But, I'm a pipe dreamers... lololol

Thanks for stopping by, my Brother! I actually WET A LINE, a FLY LINE, yesterday!! I was in the ZONE, too! Of course, not a creek chub to be had.... It still recharged the fishing batteries, though!
Cannot WAIT to fish with you, Bro! Oiling the baitcasters this week!:fire:
:Sharing One:
Lookin great waxi..happy 420 my very trusted friend...dude I'm not sure who makes the pink diesel but I'm startin it next week. I don't think my moby dick xxl is gonna get as big as the amnesia xxl but will see. Lost your thread there for a few bro, it's bumped back up now.