Indoor 50 Shades of Ganja..Automatic for the Waxi


21st Century Medicine Man
Mar 28, 2014
Reaction score
Hi Dear Peeps :hug:
Its time to make a landing place for my auto grows, so here we go!
I've been wanting to grow out some of our AFN families "locally created" strains, for some time now. After looking through a pile of gifted, begged for, and purchased, packs in the seed vault, I've decided to start with some Mephisto Triangle Kush and S.O.D.K, and just put a pair of each-popped and tap rootin'- into 1 gal coco pouches!
In a few days, I'll be popping some Stone Dragon regs, and Black Dragon regs, so there'll be some Dragon Taming in the auto tent, too! (I'll be trying to get some pollen from the Dragon males, for future mad science!)

So, pics of coco pots... not so much, methinks... lolol
But, I'll be posting/updating this thread regularly.

Welcome one, Welcome all!!!
Good vibes, and (hopefully) even better Ganja!
"AFN smoke out""AFN smoke out""AFN smoke out""AFN smoke out""AFN smoke out"
Ok! I finally got 5 minutes with a camera! Here' are the Mephisto Infants :)
Day 3 out of soil, and seem happy as all get out! I think I will set up a drip system for them, in the auto closet, once they're ready :)

Just for fun, here are my photo/flower ladies, Week 5.2 : My first attempt at coco/drip, and I'm a believer! They're 33" tall, get a feeding every 4 hours, and have yet to need more than a quick cleanup once a week.

All for now, Peeps! Gotta get my filters swapped out, then some Chemdog therapy :Hookah:
some love, Peeps "AFN smoke out"
Subbed up bro!! :Sharing One:


Waxi that is one thriving garden. Every single leaf is reaching for the sun... keep prayin ladies... waxi's gonna smoke you soon!! Lol... i gotta say man you're officially loco.... for the coco.... dripsane bro. You're dripsane!! Post up as many details as possible on your schedule as they grow looks like you're in the sweet spot with the photos!! cant wait to see u do it to these autos.. i got some mephisto beans on the way hope i get that SODK too i need to try that it sounds sick.
