Jean-O's Show Grows 2024 5 tester positions for Where's My Dog and What The Fuck strains for Jean-O's Genetics

WTF day 107

final stretch! Will check trichomes this weekend.


@Jean-O - my apologies for going silent on this test grow. As a reminder, I blasted off at the end of November with fine germination from two seeds each of WTF and WMD. Then within 9 days all were dead. (Multiple posts back on page 13). I had slow growth -- bordering on damping off death, but while I was trying to coax them back, all were harvested prematurely by a mouse.

I did indeed drop my last seed of each in early December. And they germinated perfectly. though WMD needed helmet removal.


Yep, looking better with the shell fully removed:
2.removed helmet.jpg

I waited to "make sure" things were going to be OK. And frankly, at day 7, I was not pleased. They seemed to have hardly done anything, even though both went right into their 3 gallon AutoPot containers on day 3.

7.WMD d.jpg
7.WTF b.jpg

Here we are at day 9 and I'm totally depressed. This is nothing like what everybody else here is going with their seeds. My confidence is shaken.

So I waited. Just couldn't bring myself to post such pathetic performance. Oh the horror of the public shame and blame I'd accrue.

Day 14, end of the 2nd full week, and virtually nothing to show. But at least there not dead yet, and they're safe from marauding mice.


End of week 3, day 21, and there is some small glimmer of hope. I'm actually seeing just a wee bit of growth.

Ok, finally, after 4 weeks of "thinking about it" the two girls have finally decided to get it on. Its day 29 and I'm liking the growth. A little too pale and yellow, but heck, they're alive and growing. I'm using foliar sprays, some with kelp and another with cal-mag to see if that will help.


I'm still feeling cautious here, but two days later, day 31, it seems that this is going to be a real thing. Definitely a bit more growth.



I don't feel that I'm making any progress on the health of the leaves, still too pale and looking to me like some cal-mag deficiency. But today, day 33, I activated the AutoPots, so now the gals will be bottom feeding from the reservoir. I've added cal-mag supplment into the feed mix, which is Prescription Blends line-up of nutrients. I've also activated the AirDome feature of the AutoPot system -- its not really visible in this photo, but each gal is getting a continuous root blow-job from below. (In the foreground is a humidifier.)

33.autopots on.jpg
Day 37, the beginning of week 6, and by golly I think they just might be considering developing some flowers. So I adjusted the feed mix to support the bloom phase.

37.WMD a.jpg
37.WTF b.jpg

Here's WMD at day 41. Leaf health starting to improve a bit, I think.


And here's WTF, aslo at day 41, clearly putting on some stretch, and a bit further along in starting her bloom phase.

Nice save man! I was having similar issues and used calimagic but it didnt really help. I upped my feed and added Epsom and she is looking better. Good luck with the revival
A week later, day 47, both WTF and WMD clearly in full-on flower development phase. Better late than never. First photo is WMD, 2nd is WTF.


Four days later, day 51, here is a group shot. Given the tentative growth of the first few weeks, I dared not attempt any LST or topping. So this is their unadulterated natural form. Obviously, I'm missing the width and density that might have been achieved with more attentive grooming. But I was just happy to have the alive and kicking.

Another week later; its day 58, beginning of week 9. Both are agressive feeders, I'm refilling the reservoir with 3 gallons every 3 days.
Here is WMD, full view and close up:

58.WMD b.jpg
58.WMD c.jpg

And here's WTF full view and close up.

58.WTF a.jpg
58.WTF b.jpg