Indoor 5 Purple JEMS and 1 Diesel Ryder

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Bummer dude... Sorry to hear that. If you transplant you risk stunting them but if the alternative is death I guess stunting them isn't that bad... I know from experience transplanting is very bad for autos. That's why my NYLPD is only 6" tall... You could do it but just be aware you risk stunting. Will definitely affect yield. Hope you get things sorted out quickly! I'll be sending you anti-fungus vibes...

There's a fungus among us and we must get rid of it!!!!!!! LOL Best of luck man. :smokebuds:
Well that sucks!!! Sorry to hear about your girls...

Check out the DIY forum and see if there is a anti-fungi spray. I think I remember something about milk.

One thing I say about killing plants is, lesson learned. If you didn't learn from it, then it will happen again...But I think you got it now...Hang in there and all will turn out for the best....:pop:
i don't know if the symptoms are the same
but,i lost my first 2 sprouts in the same way.
i was told it was a condition called" damping off"
the rest of that grow hadn't sprouted yet so'
we were able to control it with chamomile tea.
i was given the cure by John Mondello but i cant
find the recipe. i know he started a thread about it in here.
I would recommend Muddy's method here a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide to a quart of water, spray them with this mix.
I just use old black coffee. I dilute the coffee 3 parts water to one part coffee let it cool and water the seedlings. Muddy's method probably works fine also but I have never tried it. I plant about 60 seeds a month and I never lose any to damp off with the coffee treatment.
sorry to hear of the losses - but - looking forward to following the wins!
Hey ALL thanks for dropping in...I appreciate all the advice greatly...I do have updates here so lets get back to business..
JEM 4 and JEM 5 seem to be doing fine, growing a little slower than I'd like but ok none the less

jems 001.jpg
jems 002.jpg
jems 003.jpg
jems 005.jpg
You got a good shot of a gnat larva in pic 2 :D See that maggot looking thing?

Mosquito dunks work wonders on those bastards.

Subbed man! looking forward to seing them progress.
lol...Its dead...I made sure to cook the soil before i used it...I thought I'd leave it in the pic to see if anyone would catch it :D
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