Indoor 400W SuperLumens HPS - FastBuds (LSD-25/Crystal Meth Auto) Day 42


Jun 6, 2016
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Hey guys! I recently found out about this page and decided join, mostly because it seems like a really cool mix with people and where you can develop as a grower. Hope you all will enjoy my posts.

So, first of all to get started, I have 2 LSD-25 and 1 Crystal Meth in flowering.

I currently use Advanced Nutrients Jungle Juice 2Part base nute, Sensi enzyme and Big Bud. And for my lightsetup I have a 400w superlumen hps on 18/6 and the growspace I have is unfortunately only 80x80x180, but I like to think I'm doing pretty okay despite my lack of room. This will be my 3rd crop and I'm here to learn so any questions, tips or critic is more than welcome. I put the pictures I 20160701_102709.jpgcurrenly have but sadly they are 1 week old, I'm taking a whole bunch of new during the next watering. Cheers guys hope you all have a great weekend!

Edit: I'm using Plagrons lightmix medium and 8L pots, have 2 Crystal Meth and 1 LSD-25 (21 Days) growing in 11L pots, I'm excited to see how more yield I can squeeze out on my next crop haha.

UPDATE Day 43 - All 3 of my girls just had the first drink since the last flush, these ones are chugging 2 litres each per day and getting thick as hell, trichomes just about everywhere on these things, took some new pictures of all 3 (My camera is absolute shite so forgive me for that)
20160710_123910.jpg Crystal Meth (43)
Screenshot_2016-07-10-11-58-08.png LSD-25 (Small one, 43)
20160710_123928.jpg LSD (Tall girl in the back and short one up front, 43)

/ Vic
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Hey guys! I recently found out about this page and decided you join, mostly because it seems like a really cool mix with people and where you can develop as a grower. Hope you all will enjoy my posts.

So, first of all to get started, I have 2 LSD-25 and 1 Crystal Meth in flowering.

I currently use Advanced Nutrients Jungle Juice 2Part base nute, Sensi enzyme and Big Bud. And for my lightsetup I have a 400w superlumen hps on 18/6 and the growspace I have is unfortunately only 80x80x180, but I like to think I'm doing pretty okay despite my lack of room. This will be my 3rd crop and I'm here to learn so any questions, tips or critic is more than welcome. I put the pictures IView attachment 598732currenly have but sadly they are 1 week old, I'm taking a whole bunch of new during the next watering. Cheers guys hope you all have a great weekend!

/ Vic
Nice subbed up . They have a lot of excellent growers on here. Some have feeding schedules. Can always ask questions on those threads as well.

"carpe diem"
Nice subbed up . They have a lot of excellent growers on here. Some have feeding schedules. Can always ask questions on those threads as well.

"carpe diem"

Thanks buddy! Yeah I've been drooling over threads the last couple of days and I love to see how different everybody grows and has their prefences and styles, I've been struggling a bit with my feeding but I'm starting to really understand how my nutes work and my plants are responding great :) Be sure to check out tomorrow when I post more pictures and give me some thoughts on it, im going to roll a fatty and get some sleep, take care man!
Thanks buddy! Yeah I've been drooling over threads the last couple of days and I love to see how different everybody grows and has their prefences and styles, I've been struggling a bit with my feeding but I'm starting to reall
Yea man they have a thread called " first grow high expectations" good guys and good info. Can also post pics of your setup there . And to get more followers on your thread put a link in your signature.

"carpe diem"
Yea man they have a thread called " first grow high expectations" good guys and good info. Can also post pics of your setup there . And to get more followers on your thread put a link in your signature.

"carpe diem"

I will check it out :) thanks a lot!
Nice grow, bro!
