Outdoor 40 watts flourescent for pre-vegeting

Btw, this CFL is cool white but i had to put a fan to keep two plants more close to it (they've just 5 cm tall, 3 days after sprouting).

That's the spectrum of the light, not the temperture. you've probably seen the chart
Kelvin temperature chart.png

Keep a lot of air blowing over those seedlings anyways, it will strengthen your stems for when they go outdoors. And perhaps keeping the plants as close as possible isn't the best idea. As Piggy said about 6 inches is good for your light. It will make them stretch up to the lamp.
What are you growing under there, I'm getting my stuff for outdoor started too, should be another good year!
:peace: GM
That's the spectrum of the light, not the temperture. you've probably seen the chart
View attachment 73979

Keep a lot of air blowing over those seedlings anyways, it will strengthen your stems for when they go outdoors. And perhaps keeping the plants as close as possible isn't the best idea. As Piggy said about 6 inches is good for your light. It will make them stretch up to the lamp.
What are you growing under there, I'm getting my stuff for outdoor started too, should be another good year!
:peace: GM

Thanks for the chart and the advice about the height of the light. I've got an Afghan Kush Ryder that's a week old under a 5500K 45 watt CFL (that's actual fluorescent wattage). It's doing pretty good, but I may raise the light a bit. I'm using a big reflector and in spite of the fact it's only 45 watts, it's a lot of light concentrated on a small plant.
Yeah mate, i thought it was temperature lol. I've 2 x 22 watts CFL (1500 lmn each) and 2 x 20 fluorescent tubes, but those tubes are pretty shitty and i'm gonna replace them for more two cfls when i add more plants. I'm growing a +speed and mohan ram. Next week i'll add a AutoMaria II and SuperSkun (autos).,
Right now i'm having problems with the temperature. Today i had to open a little one side of my box so the air could get out (the temperature was to high, around 27º). Tomorrow i'll try to add a pc fan to extract the air, hope that's enough.
Yes mate. Its been a week since sprouting of both. The second pair of leaves is now appearing but one of them can't stay fixed in the vertical (is really bent). I guess i need to use a stick to help her grow, right? This has happen before to the same plant, but after a few hours she had stay ok. Now she almost can touch the soil (it's just 8 cm tall). The other one has stop growing for 2 days.