Indoor 4 Purple Phenotypes Possible People!

Well they are all safely growing, including late to the party Blue Mammoth. Berry Bomb however is the single most ugly plant, bar none, I have ever seen. This thing looks like it was put through the garbage disposal at a busy restaurant. I don't know how she ended up so fugly. I will take a pic soon and show ya'll. It is not pretty. The others are coming along fine. 3, 5 fingers per leaf etc. all look normal. This bomb seed isn't even sure its a plant yet I think. I think it might think its a vine or root, I mean its tough to look at.
Subscribing to this thread! I have some Dark Devils in the mail and i cant wait. My 4th auto grown and my first ever purple!
Lights too far away? Just checked out the seedling pictures and they look a bit stretched
Probably. I'm try to be that particular but I mostly just let em do their thing where I can keep em at that time. I have some adjustment in that light fixture but they are just about to out grow it. And those red cups for that matter. Problem is, I dunno where I am going to put these just yet. My main growing area went from a PC to under a 3' table and thats it. I have a feeling 1 or more of these girls is going to want to grow a little taller than that. I have a spot in mind that'b perfect but it involves me building a closet. Literally. There is already a door to an area but I need to frame in and close of a smaller area to be my "closet".
Been awhile since an update..
Alls going well, as I guessed these girls have outgrown my low growspace. I moved 2 of 5 out into a "public" space in the house and nothing has been said "yet". Once the odor develops a little stronger I dunno what I'll do. Better news is I finally harvested a bit of pollen. I can't remember but I'm pretty certain she was a clone of Jacky a Black JH auto that had auto issues. I clipped a few pods with nanners in them, a few of which had pollen. I scraped it into a pile and with a paintbrush applied it to a couple pistils that had just popped out. As I am new to breeding, not certain of the timing just doing what I can with what I got. I tied a little thing around the two branches I pollinated. I will pollinate them again. I'm just trying not to pluck what might already be seeds when I pull these pods for their pollen. I sprayed this girl a bunch in the beginning then just let her go for awhile. At long last she showed some balls.
Now just more waiting. I'm considering the purchase of a new light but I might wait till next winter. I may have an outside space to grow this summer.
No color as yet on any of the purps. Will post some pics when its handy.
Wow, so I ordered some cactus "of a certain variety" seeds and received 5 actual cacti by mistake. I potted them up in some store bought cactus soil. I recently put them in a spot where they could get some natural sunlight and WOW, 2 of them are flowering! I could be wrong but I thought cactus of this variety only flowers once every couple years. I'm going to research now. I'll post pics when I can.
So I found out this is a fruit, not the beginning of a flower. Also, if IF the cactus is going to flower in any given year, it will flower multiple times. After each flower you get a fruit which has seeds. Yay! Peyote seeds! Woohoo! Now if I could produce cannabis seeds... Anyway, apparently this fruit and each 1st fruit of any given year is from the last flower of the previous year. How insane is that? As you can see,, so far I have 2 that are fruiting. Believe it or not, I have read that these little buggers are quite delicioso to eat.
So a couple of the girls are showing signs of "the claw". I have read about nitrogen toxicity but I'm not sold this is the problem. Unless these purps are very very very touchy when it comes to nitrogen. I really laid off feeding after my newbie mistakes 2 rounds ago. These girls even started showing signs of being under watered which is when the clawing began and why I haven't worried/mentioned it until now. I have since regulated good pH'ed water but the claw never really went away and now- Holy Hell. Something ain't right. I will post pics ASAP. I have only fed these girls 3x TOTAL with splash watering in between. These leaves are totally closing! It looks horrible and is scaring me.
As I thought these girls got too big for my grow space so 2 had to go on an "iffy" windowsil (light wise, not much) and 2 had to be moved with lights to a, not cold but less warm place.
I know without pictures its difficult to come up with a guess. I will post as soon as possible. Funny thing is the Blue Mammoth is the smallest of all of 'em. The purps or red family are much more tall than my 1st and 2nd grows.
Pic to come soon.
Help? or Norml?


Not certain why the claw. Have read the reds and purps do this? Anyone with experience care to offer a guess, please?
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COLOR! I have achieved color! The first I noticed a purple or black or red I guess bud. Its on a Red Poison plant that is not doing too well. Looks like a dark bud, woohoo! Now just let the others turn out as well. Hopefully they don't have to be doing poorly to turn dark, we shall see!