ya, I ran a few autos, 2 blue dreams, 2 berry bombs and a candy cane. One of the blue dreams was much bigger than the other and dense af. The candy cane came out very large as well but not as dense. Everything smells great and is very healthy and beautiful so I've gotta say I'm completely happy with the cobs. Seems to me that if the genetics will allow for the density and you've got your feeding/watering stuff all down, these leds are legit. I use these 4 in a 3.5' x 3.5' tent. I have been recommended to add UV at some point to add density to the final product too.
I think the 2 of mine (1 Berry Bomb, 1 Blue Dream) came out small because of my own mistakes, reusing coco that wasn't ready yet etc. I think once I've got all my genetics on point then this will be a great system.
Link in the sig if you wanna check 'em out. I veg under a t5 first.