Grow Room 3rd PC GROW

That was another fun one to catch up on! :clap: So much cool and good info in this thread!
Awesome job herbal.! :thumbs: Big rep added! :smokebuds: :peace:
That was another fun one to catch up on! :clap: So much cool and good info in this thread!
Awesome job herbal.! :thumbs: Big rep added! :smokebuds: :peace:
I'll borrow that one Noods:jump:as I was to lazy to post it in the 1st place !:slap:
I'll borrow that one Noods:jump:as I was to lazy to post it in the 1st place !:slap:

hahaha lazy boy...

looking dense herbal, hope you can ride out the lasting time till harvest and curing!

cheers, lb

ps: sketches of my project are in the first report, but I will start a thread tonight, with first pictures of the new case beeing build... (damn it, I didn think it would be so much work...)

ps2: or if u pay shipping, I can send my old case to you :D

brother hazy :smokebuds:

looking good my friend!:five:

thank you my friend :five:


:smokebuds: :five: brother vira

That was another fun one to catch up on! :clap: So much cool and good info in this thread!
Awesome job herbal.! :thumbs: Big rep added! :smokebuds: :peace:

thank you my friend :smokebuds:

been slacking lately but appreciate the kindness and the love.
will do my best to log as much update as possible on the next one :dance:

I'll borrow that one Noods:jump:as I was to lazy to post it in the 1st place !:slap:

LOL :five:

thank you for the love my friend

hahaha lazy boy...

looking dense herbal, hope you can ride out the lasting time till harvest and curing!

cheers, lb

ps: sketches of my project are in the first report, but I will start a thread tonight, with first pictures of the new case beeing build... (damn it, I didn think it would be so much work...)

ps2: or if u pay shipping, I can send my old case to you :D

just waiting on the dry soil and then its off to the chopping block! :dance:
shoud be dry in a couple of days (3-4 or so) :booya:

i need to catch up on your thread bro! hope everything is working well with the new project. :wiz:

as much as id love to pay for the shipping -- germany to US will cost me an arm and a leg :shrug:
i can wait for an upgrade by the end of the year (atleast thats the goal)

thank you for the kindess bro :smokebuds:

:drool: nice purple bud herb! it looks super dense!

sofa my friend :five: thank you kindly

dense it is :dance: softer on the lower parts but they are more dense than the cfl
cant wait to see how they dry out -- hopefully i can get a couple weeks of cure!

Nothing really left to be said that others haven't already, great growing and well done on the pollen collections, I hope they are viable and you fem'd dragons come to play next round!:nightdrag::slap:
Everything is looking great Herbal. A big :five: on all your pollen collecting. and a big Ass :slap: on your beautiful plants bro