Grow Room 3rd PC GROW

Good vibes and lotsa rep coming your way herbal.! :thumbs:
Cool here.
Grows coming along nicely as always! Hope the CS works bro, looking foward to seeing the result! :peace::peace

thanks bro! still spraying the lady and so far no balls -- but its only been 3 days so we have a way to go.

Hey hey herbal:smokebuds: plants looking lovely, bro:smokeit: lots of luck with the CS:five:. I see you got everything dialed in, once that LED went in.
Hoping for fat, stinky, sticky, and dank nugs for you.:dance: You are the PC master:grat:
One Love to you and yours homie:peace:

appreciate the kind words brother stylez! i cant wait to see the CS work in action :wiz:

hoping the same for this "dragon heart" -- its a long way to go but im just imagining the future. lol.

i do think that ive slowed down the growth on seed #3 due to lack of N (soil being moist so i wasnt able to feed) hope she bounces back. i'm kind of liking this but i cant wait to see how yours will turn out!

everything ive read about those say that they work -- but $20-$25 for an 1oz wont last a week if your spraying the whole plant.
theyh do tell you to spray branches -- but why? when you cant smoke the sprayed plant anyways (as far as what the reading has pointed out)

if this CS works then i would highly encourage you to make it yourself to save money and make as much as you need :thumbs:

Looking good in there my friend! :smokebuds:

thank you my friend! i gotta admit that the plant isnt looking as healthy as i would like but we shall see the outcome.


Good vibes and lotsa rep coming your way herbal.! :thumbs:
Cool here.

thanks for the love master noods! appreciate the good vibes as always ofcourse.

not sure if there was a picture also - i see that theres an image with your post (i see the quote -- but i didnt see any pictures..)



update coming up after a coffee refill. lol

WEEK 4 DAY 28 (seed #2)

water day! @ 1/4 strength GB/TB/BB [week 7 schedule]

finally got her first feed! hope she can forgive me

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1/4" growth from last night

currently standing at 6 1/2" inch -- hope she doubles up during flower


WEEK 3 DAY 21 (seed #3)

water day! @ 1/4 strength GB/TB/BB [week 7 schedule]

first feed as well -- but earlier and i know she is loving it.

CS spray still in progress on the new growth

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1/2" growth from last night

currently standing at 5" tall


quick notes:

from what ive been reading -- correct me if im wrong please

you want the flowering/male plant to be high in P-K low on N correct?
to promote the ball sack maturation etc

*color of my CS is clear yellow -- about the same as 6.0ph (ph drop kit color)*

thoughts.comments.questions always welcome.

thats right herbal :smokebuds:. i always prefer to make my own things if i can save money hehe :smoke:

you know it! :thumbs: :smokebuds:

just a quickie update - group pic

day 29 & day 22


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quick notes:

seed #2 (left) is looking better than yesterday but still seems to be bouncing back slowly

seed #3 (right) is moving along just fine

*still spraying with CS 2x daily @ lights on/off*


thoughts.comments.questions always welcome.


Lookin very very good my friend!:dance2:ladies are coming along very well can't wait to see these dragons full grown. CS action is looking great, how much did you end up makin? And I'm 100% positive it will be a success bro. Like styles said ur the PC master homie :bow:
Looking good man. I don't think you will have to worry about lst on these tho :smokebuds:
Lookin very very good my friend!:dance2:ladies are coming along very well can't wait to see these dragons full grown. CS action is looking great, how much did you end up makin? And I'm 100% positive it will be a success bro. Like styles said ur the PC master homie :bow:

thank you my friend! :smokebuds:

made about a pints worth of CS -- should be good enough for about 2+ weeks of whole plant/new growth to be sprayed.
(i read that 30 days max before expiration -- so ill make one every 30 days as i see fits)

im hoping that it becomes a success as well -- the new growths (being sprayed) are looking a little stress compare to the non sprayed ones.
but for some reason -- this plant is growing so much better than my other one (seed #2) -- i have a feeling that its because seed #2 has been neglected with "N" at the beginning resulting in a stunted growth (my fault and no one elses -- just couldnt give her the nutrients she deserves)

thank you for the kind words as always ooog! :dance:

Looking good man. I don't think you will have to worry about lst on these tho :smokebuds:

hey blaze! yea i doubt that i will need to LST -- im letting them grow vertical and every budwiders ive seen seems to be one cola stacked up type.

cant wait to see the result with this one -- stay tunes ofcourse :smokebuds:
Hit you with a :slap: keep them ladies eating as they look great. I will pop in from time to time and check these babies out.
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Hit you with a :slap: keep them ladies eating as they look great. I will pop in from time to time and check these babies out.

thank you for the love bro! :smokebuds:

they are looking way better already -- quick update coming up.