New Grower 3 young girls waiting! First grow at all journal

Sorry.. Time delay! [emoji23]

You can chop her anytime mate.. Some peeps believe you don't need to flush in soil.. I flush for a week if I can be bothered.. sometimes not..

I'd give her a couple more days to use up the nutes if she were mine.
I could wait, but she maybe dry out in soil before this, the sugar leaves break off if you touch them
WW is now rinsed in water and brought in water soda for tomorrow, where she stands for a haircut
Take her down X-man...don't use the strimmer tho! [emoji15]

10 days without nutes is a clean flush, she's got issues mate but it's probably too late to do anything about it. [emoji268]✂️
Are u stoned :dizzy: she's hat going down... No no.. Not the garden trimmer, hope you all could see it was a joke, but I get this today from the kids :baby: