Indoor 3 Sweet Cheese in my 300w LED Cabinet


Medical Stoner
Jan 1, 2016
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The year is 2016 and it is about time for me to come out of my shell and share what i am up too...

Who am I?
I'm a guy in my late twenties who has had enormous problems with substance abuse and alcohol since before my teens. Thanks to weed, my wonderful girlfriend and my awesome son i've managed to beat my addictions and start enjoying life... The reason which i felt this was important is because on January 6th ive been sober from alcohol for 12 months and i'm fucking proud!!

This is an experimental grow and since I want to get better at documenting my grows i decided to start a journal... and no place better than @AFN!

What are we working with?
We've got a 80cm X 120cm X 175cm grow cabinet equipped with:
Carbonfilter: Prima klima K2601, 360m3
Fan: 125 2-speed fan – 230/360M3 per hour, including silencer
Medium: Biobizz light-mix, no additives!!
Light: 125w CFL for seedlings, will switch to a 300w LED on day 7-8 and if i can manage the temperatures i'll be adding a 600w HPS when vertical growth stops aswell. Doubt i can have both the LED and HPS but we shall see!

Meet the candidates!!
So my plan is to compare end-results and to make this easier for me, I have given my ladies names...

First up, i have my kinky, bondage-loving beauty; Yolanta.
Yolanta is occupying the 15L Cannabucket and will be treated to severe LST meanwhile being fed the finest food that money can buy... Advanced Nutrients and i'll be following Tangs feed schedule apart from a few minor tweeks. Currently 5 days old.

Meet Consuela! Consuela is a poor girl compared to her friends. She currently resides in a 11L smartpot but our meeting wasn't planned from the beginning so she will be fed left-overs our previous grow. She will be fed Hesi Nutrients... No LST! Currently 3 days old.

Last but DEFINETLY not least. We have Juanita. Juanita is a high-class snobb only recieving the best treatment... 11L smartpot and the Advanced Nutrients feed. However she is a prude so there will be no LST! Currently 5 days old.

I'm sorry that the pictures ended up side-ways and that theyre crap but i'll get better!

So... What is it I want to find out?!
Which one of these fine-ass ladies will yield the most dry bud?

1 Yolanta 120-140g (136g)
2 Juanita 110-140g (122g)
3 Consuela 50-70g (62g)

These estimates might be high but id actually be disappointed IF the final yield is less than 300g... Any thoughts? Am I delusional?

Ok. What else...?

I'll be adding a bag of Co2 when vertical growth stops, other than that; TLC, patience and some minor defoliation when needed is what i can offer. Maybe something else which i just can't remember atm.

QUESTIONS?! Feel free to ask!

I'll try to have a daily update but i'll probably just post pics every 5th day!

Peace & Love
I'll be very surprised If a 300w LED and 125cfl can produce 300g of dry bud from 3 autos too be honest buddy but I look forward too you proving otherwise and I'm a noob so what do I know haga. Good luck with the ladies lad and big congrats on kicking the bad habits of life. Weed is the key too tranquility and fulfilment in life...stay on the green path and avoid white,brown or liquid alternatives
I'll be very surprised If a 300w LED and 125cfl can produce 300g of dry bud from 3 autos too be honest buddy but I look forward too you proving otherwise and I'm a noob so what do I know haga. Good luck with the ladies lad and big congrats on kicking the bad habits of life. Weed is the key too tranquility and fulfilment in life...stay on the green path and avoid white,brown or liquid alternatives

Thanks bro!
The green path is the one and only way. Life is so much more awesome without all the hard drugs..

I dont have any experience with Sweet Seeds but so far i haven't harvested an auto under 100g/plant and now i've upped my game by introducing Advanced Nutrients. Saw this one guy get 80g off his Sweet Cheese and that was under a 250w HPS. I'll have 3-4x stronger light and i have more experience prior than the guy from that grow... But who knows?
I hope you tag along and give me a good old "told ya so" when i harvest 30gs of each :)
Daily update

Lights are running 20/4.
Daytime temps: 25-26 c
Nightime temps: 19.5-20.5 c
Gave the ladies 200ml of plain tap water each.

I hate taking pictures with my iPad so untill i get my new phone, ill only update with pics every 5 or so days.

Let me know if anyone wants to see the Hesi feed schedule i'm gonna introduce to Consuela :)
Hesi feed schedule - Consuela

Day 0-5
Plain tapwater

Day 5-10
SuperVit - 1 drop per 5L of water

Day 10-20
SuperVit - 1 drop per 5L of water
RootComplex - 2ml/L
PowerZyme - 0.5ml/L
TNT Complex - 1.5ml/L

Day 20-25
SuperVit - 1 drop per 5L of water
RootComplex - 3ml/L
PowerZyme - 1ml/L
TNT Complex - 2.5ml/L

Day 25-30 (end of vertical growth)
SuperVit - 1 drop per 5L of water
RootComplex - 5ml/L
PowerZyme - 1ml/L
TNT Complex - 2.5ml/L

Day 31
Flush! 3 x pot size.
An hour after flush give another L to each containing:
5ml RootComplex
1ml PowerZyme
1ml Boost
1.5ml Bloom Complex

Day 33-38
SuperVit - 1 drop per 5L of water
RootComplex - 5ml/L
PowerZyme - 1ml/L
HesiBoost - 1ml/L
BloomComplex - 1.5ml/L

Day 38-43
SuperVit - 1 drop per 5L of water
PowerZyme - 1ml/L
BloomComplex - 3ml/L

Day 43-55
SuperVit - 1 drop per 5L of water
PowerZyme - 1ml/L
BloomComplex - 5ml/L
HesiBoost - 2ml/L
Phosphorus Plus - 2ml/L

Day 55-65
Plain tapwater

Day 65
Flush! 3 x pot size.

Day 70

Ive run this schedule on 3 grows with good results considering its a very cheap line of nutes. ive noticed CalMag issues but nothing severe... This run i'll treat any such issues with AN CalMag Extra. I will be checking PH this run and adjusting accordingly. GHE PH solutions IF needed.

However i doubt Sweet Cheese will yield anywhere near 100 when working with HESI.

The others will be following Tangs schedule with a few minor tweeks. As in Bud Candy instead of Carboload and AN CalMag supplement instead of what Tang uses. I believe with the Advanced CalMag the dose needs to be a little higher than in Tangs schedule but i'll start off with the same as in the schedule and up IF needed.

Wow sounds like you have a good plan in place,thats good !!..Hope everything goes good with your grow,definatley keep us posted on the progress..Cheers !!!

Yesterday evening i started to panic a bit since my friend who is delivering my new light can't make it here today, hopefully tomorrow if he can get off work early but def by thursday. Ive never ran auto-seedlings under CFL for an entire week before and i felt they were started to become stunted for their age. Soo. I dug up my 600w HPS and wired it. Had to get my oscillating fan and air-moisturer to battle the high temps and the fight lasted for 5-6 hrs untill it settled at 28-29 c. After 12 hours under the HPS (110cm above) they had really picked up and are starting to look real nice.
The light is way high but i dont mind my babies stretching a bit if theyre healthy otherwise.
As soon as i get my 300w LED i'm gonna install both in my cabinet IF temps are ok. How hot can i go in veg? Realistically i can probably get around 33c daytime.. Is this ok? Rh will be in its 50's.

Juanita & Yolanta are currently 8 days old, their younger sister Consuela is 6.

I gave them 100ml of water each. Consuela has started her feed slightly by getting a fraction of a drop SuperVit in her drink. Juanita & Yolanta are still getting plain tapwater. Their feed starts in 2 days time.

I'll be back later with pics!