heres a quick run around on what im in the process of, with the 3 autos, 2 planted on the 7/10 (and 1 on 7/12. this one i did a different germ method took 5 days, so i just planted the others then 2 days later the tail sprouted.) As for lighting i am currently using a 150w hps, will be adding a onther 150 or 250w depending on when i finish this room. all this is in a 2x2x5.5 dr60 secret jardin as for what seeds im running 2 of them are g13's pineapple express and 1 is a world of seeds afgan kush ryder. Now as for my side project im talking about i plan on building a room that is 3feet deep by 7 feet wid by 8ft tall and have this room for autos at all diferent stages If i cant get the electricty i need then i will have to go to a 2feet deep by 4 feet wide by 8ft tall. with the same purpose. pics will be up in the next few days of the projects and sprouts im workign with. any advice on how tempermentle thses autos are would be greatly appricated. i did 2 double diesel ryders which did awesome from 22 plants i yeilded 3oz from my frist try with them.