New Grower 2'x4'x5' Mephisto/LED/Organic First Grow

Some much delayed update pictures. I do on the other hand have one plant not wanting to flower... you can tell she wants to and I'm on day 52... may try going to 12/12 and see if she flowers out then, but I may just toss her.


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Some much delayed update pictures. I do on the other hand have one plant not wanting to flower... you can tell she wants to and I'm on day 52... may try going to 12/12 and see if she flowers out then, but I may just toss her.

leave no auto behind! :shooty: sumtimez, a lil too much photo getz mixed into the pheno is all & a switch to 12/12 uzually helpz jumpstart it ;) ppp
I'm thinking it has something to do with your watering schedule, and I'd actually go the opposite, I'm thinking under-watered, so you can either increase your amount
or your frequency

When I grow in a #3 nursery pot, I water probably about 1.5L every third or fourth day when small, then every other, possibly every day, when they are drinking like crazy for that early flower period, simply determined by the lift-a-pot method and how heavy they are that morning. Of course when outdoors I'm not concerned with some extra run off, I simply care about soaking the entire soil mass

Or increase your frequency of your tiny amounts of water to daily

My current indoor grow is in little 3L pots and I'm still watering about your 500mL but every day.

Happy growing and :goodluck:
Thank you sir! You also gave correct advice. Much love
Some thoughts:

Watering must be on demand, not X amount every X days ...... plants appear to have few issues and one could be overwatering but with all the drainage in the soil I wouldn’t place a big bet on that being issue ....

FFOF mix is suspect but I figure you are following a recipe you’ve found in a post - Recommend you look at some soil mixes from KIS and BuildaSoil ..... could be contributing factor but again no big bets on a different mix correcting .....

Lights - I suspect the amount of light they are getting is TOO much, my money is on the lighting - any idea how much light at plant level!?

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Yeah too much light and not watering correct! Thanks for the solid advice.