Grow Room 2x2.5x5.8' Tent, can i use my AC Infinity Axial Fans for my seedling instead of the inline exhaust?

Apr 19, 2020
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Hey all! I'm having MAJOR problems keeping my tent humidity high (it averages 58-60, but needs to be at around mid 70's) because right now my tent (Gorilla Grow 2x2.5x5.8') is set up to have my AC Infinity Cloudline S4 Inline (4") fan pulling out hot air and pulling in fresh air through the passive intake flap. I have it on a 15 min on / 15 min off timer. This sort of works, except for the fact that my humidity drops from low 70's to high 50's as soon as the fan comes on, even at the lowest setting, it is too damn powerful.

The Inline fan pulls 205 CFM.

I also have axial muffin fans that i plan on using to circulate airflow once the plant is a little older.
Would it be possible for me to use my axial fans during my plant's seedling stages, as an exhaust fan? They each pull 20-69CFM (based on the speed).
My followup question would be if i were to go this route, which vents would i put the axial muffin fans in? At the top left, right, roof? Or at the bottom, close to where the passive intake is?

Any help would be so appreciated. I've looked everywhere but have not found an answer to this yet. Thank you very much!
You don't really need an exhaust fan in a 2x2 tent.. My veg tent is 2x4 and has never had an exhaust fan in it. I have a cloudline s4 in my 3x3x7 gorilla tent. It's on the lowest setting and is a little stronger than I'd like it to be. A 2x2x6 space would only need 20-25 cfm max. 25 cfms will exchange all the air in your tent every 60 seconds.. So every 60 seconds, you have a tent of fresh air. That's why your humidity is dropping, or won't stay stable while the fan is on. Open the side/bottom flaps and throw a little fan in there to move some air around.. That's all you should need. It doesn't matter where you put the fan..
You don't really need an exhaust fan in a 2x2 tent.. My veg tent is 2x4 and has never had an exhaust fan in it. I have a cloudline s4 in my 3x3x7 gorilla tent. It's on the lowest setting and is a little stronger than I'd like it to be. A 2x2x6 space would only need 20-25 cfm max. 25 cfms will exchange all the air in your tent every 60 seconds.. So every 60 seconds, you have a tent of fresh air. That's why your humidity is dropping, or won't stay stable while the fan is on. Open the side/bottom flaps and throw a little fan in there to move some air around.. That's all you should need. It doesn't matter where you put the fan..

Thats the gut feeling i was getting... so once she starts to flower, i should turn the exhaust fan on (with the carbon filter) in order to control smells, and thats it?
My 5sq ft tent has one of those tiny ac infinity fans made onto a plastic plate that sits ontop the hole in the top of the tent. Right now I have the flaps cinched up on the inside of the tent where it can only pull a little air through. I keep a damp towel in the tent on a clothes hanger and it seems to be working pretty great so far.
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My 5sq ft tent has one of those tiny ac infinity fans made onto a plastic plate that sits ontop the hole in the top of the tent. Right now I have the flaps cinched up on the inside of the tent where it can only pull a little air through. I keep a damp towel in the tent on a clothes hanger and it seems to be working pretty great so far.
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thats an ingenious solution!