New Grower 2x NL first grow


Life’s a garden… dig it.
Dec 3, 2017
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Currently Smoking
whatever burns
So ive been fascinated by growing for a while but i didnt have a place for it until now.
Before ive grown one beautiful bushy male plant from bageed under a low power ufo led :D
So no previous experience, but ive been doing some research and lurking around this forum has been so so resourceful.
Unfortunately i bought my tent and led before i found AFN, hence i have a Mars 300 led and 70x70x160 tent. So far im happy with the setup but i really want to build my own cobs. No vents and filters yet, open lower and upper air holes, and my temps are between 22-27C with average 45% humidity. I spray once/twice a day with water+supervit for extra humidity. My lights are on 20/4 and i keep it 50cm above the plant

So i picked up some seeds while in amsterdam, and decided to roll with classical Northern Lights autos from RQS this time.
I have 2 20L pots, in soil mix from local hydroponic store.
My tap water has ph 6.8 so i use this for feeding.
I decided to go slow with nutrients first time, so far ive only bought Hesi Boost, Bloom and Supervit.
I was thinking i will start with the nutes when they start showing signs of flowering.
I planted straight to pot, at first one seed didnt make it, so in went another. Now i have a 5 day difference between plants.

Timeline so far:
9. nov - seeds in,
13. nov 1 plant sprouted
18. nov 2 plant
26. nov fed them with water + 1 drop of supervit per 5l, both pots got 5l.
03. dec water+supervit ~2.5l each

I started some LST on older plant to keep the light height optimal for both plants and to open up a little. The second plant is showing a minimal yellowing of the leaf tips, dont know whats up with that, hope it passes quickly.
I also need to figure out when exactly plants need to be watered, so far ive been bumping my finger in the soil to see ifi its dry or what, but i think thats not quite accurate method.
So its kind of a log for me and every input is highly appreciated, there's so much more to learn!

I dont have any baby pics, but here's some taken today, iphone camera sucks under the light :D

Bigger buddy, three weeks since sprouting


Smaller one, 15 days old


Peace and happy growing everyone :)
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I was admiring the plants and the soil seemed dry, so i decided to give them some water. I added a drop of supervit also.
Its been a week since last watering and now the pots took in 2.5l each. Half less then last time. lets see how they respond

Growing is such a zen thing to do and the plants are so beautiful. :)
Looking good in there.. you got climate and your room under control which is one of the most important things. The light will get you to the end with a good result.

I'm also new to this site and the world of growing my own. Started off with a viparspectra led, something similar to your mars light.

I'm doing the same thing with my finger into the soil. Another trick is to lift the pot before and after, then you have an idea of when they need some water.

I'm subbed for further updates [emoji4]

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Thank you!

Ive also tried poking my fingers into the soil from below but either my fingers are too big or holes too small :D
But lifting the pot to feel the weight difference is a good tip, thanks!

As the climate goes, well i try to hold as much air holes open as i can so they could get enough co2 and air circulation, but im afraid when they start to flower someday my apartment will reek of weed. So probably will have to install ext. vent and coal filters. I also ordered an air ionizer, but its lost in post somewhere :]
Checkin in yo!

Thanks archie, you are doing a fine job improving the community here, i have noticed alot of helpful posts from you, keeeep it up! [emoji4]

So, plants.. Day 25 and 20
The big one is just about to flower any day now, i can see some tiny preflowers. And its loving the submission ive put her through, lst has given me a nice even canopy and about 7 different stems or colas how do you call them. So far ive broken one leaf and almost one top, but it recovered nicely.

But my smaller darling is not happy with something.
The plant looks weak, and smaller leaves are turning greenish with burnt tips.
So far ive given them only water and supervit. Im guessing mag def?? Or maybe the soil was watered 4 days before this seed and that might cause something like this?
So should i take any action or should i let her work herself out?
I currently only have hesi boost, bloom and supervit. I was hoping i dont have to use fertilizers before they start flowering and then start with 1/4 dose.
I was thinking about watering them today and maybe adding tiny amount of bloom for the poor one, no?yes?
Some pics




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Ive read thru the thread about autoflowering plant life cycle and i think it led me to a right track.
At first i planned to go nute free until flowering, and then add boost and bloom etc. but turns out i should apply them when vertical growth stops around week 5-6.
So i also bought veg nutes Hesi TNT
Mixed a drink 1/4 dose tnt, 1 drop supervit, ph 6.5 with tap water, letting it sit until tomorrow for the chlorine to evaporate.
And tomorrow is a week since last watering. the smaller plants pot is much heavier as it obviously drinks less. But it needs to get her shit together now and start growing..

Btw, whats the best and safest way to upload photos here ?
hey buddy plants are looking schweet
: ) im a hydro head so cant really help much with soil unfortunately but i just upload pics straight from my phone then delete them afterwards. gotta take them in landscape mode to get them to appear the right way round for some reason though. its very annoying lol

Feeding day, introducing veg fertilizers.
28 and 23 days old plants
After letting my water sit for a day the ph shot up to 7.2 used some ph minus to get it back to 6.5-6.6
1/4 dose tnt complex + supervit
They took 4,5l and 3-3,5l with plenty runoff which ph was 5,7-5,9
Huge difference between two planta with same seeds and identical environment, only 5 days.. but positive vibes and im sure it will catch up.
Would like them to lift out of the pot more, as i have to tie them up to water etc. should i be thinking about raising the light? Its currently around 50cm(20 inches)

Oh and im so tempted to pop more seeds, i have some white widows laying around..
i think current pot size is a bit overkill, and would easily fit 4 decent sized ones. Im thinking using autopots next time..

Some pics:


Peace and one love fellow botanics :)

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