New Grower 2x Blue Amnesia XXL; 2x HLG 135W v2 Quantum Board LEDs

Weeks 1-3
  • Hey again everybody,

    Back with my first update -- a recap of Weeks 1-3. Before I get started though, one more comment I forgot to squeeze into my initial post:

    First, I'm located in eastern Canada. We get very cold, dry winters here; and warm and very humid summers (although we are legally allowed to grow up to 4 plants :cheers:.) Consequently, I'll be following VPD Charts as best I can, such as the one found at My plan is to use some combination of exhaust fan speed, warm/cool humidifiers, space heaters, and bedroom ambient temperature to dial into the specific RH and Temp that 'm after. I'll also be assuming a 2 degree C differential between the air temperature in the tent and the leaf surface temperature, although I'll probably test this with an IR gun at some point. I hope to someday automate this process, but for now, it's me constantly checking my AC Infinity Temp/RH probe, refilling humidifiers, and switching shit on and off lol. Oh well.

    Second, regarding the GH Flora Nutrients. Please be aware that GH have recently revised their feedcharts. The outdated charts were called "recirculating" and "drain-to-waste"; they now provide LIGHT, MEDIUM and AGGRESSIVE feedcharts. I'll be following the LIGHT guidelines, scaled to 50-100% based on recommended ppm's of nutrient solutions.

    Finally, I actually have two different QBs in this tent. They're both HLG 135W v2's, but one is the newer 'R-Spec', and the other is the older 3000k model. As I want my plants to be subject to the same conditions, I'm going to be rotating the two plants so they spend an equal amount of time under each light. I think on my next attempt at two different plants, I'll probably subject them to different conditions to see if some tricks work better than others, e.g., training techniques. But until then, I'm aiming for relative consistency with both of these ladies.

    Enough of that, allons-y! :smoking:

    UPDATE #1: Recap of Weeks 1-3

    WEEK 1

    Temp: 23 deg. C
    RH: 72%
    DLI: 20-25
    Cycle: 24/0
    Plain Water, pH'ed to 5.8-6.3; no nutes.

    I used the paper-towel method to germinate. I know a lot of folk poo-poo it, but it works for me. I soaked two seeds in a shot glass of water for ~12 hours or so until they sank when poked, then poured them onto a paper towel on a small plate. I put this in an open ziplock bag so it wouldn't dry out, and kept it in the bottom of my tent with a small space heater pointed away from it. I had two tap roots after 24 hours or so.

    These were plopped into my 5 gallon pots of Pro-Mix Hp....

    ...and I fucked up first thing and forgot to pre-soak my pots lol. To be honest, part of me knew better, but I kinda wanted to see what sort of difference it would make (yeah right!). Anyway, it did make a difference because I pre-soaked my pots last time and they grew much taller much quicker. Lesson learned. Hopefully I didn't kill my mycorrhizae!

    Ah, no biggie. And no need to stress, the buggers are resilient! This is something I've been learning too. Fortunately Pro-Mix HP has a wetting agent so it can get a little dryer than raw peat (at least I think so).

    Anyhow, after another day or two, we had liftoff:


    I contacted Pro-Mix directly, and they told me to start feeding within 7-10 days. So I gave plain water (pH'ed to ~6) every two days or so, around 500mL each time, for the first two weeks. I also had my humidifiers on blast, keeping things at around 72% RH and 23 deg C. I'd also mist the surface of the Pro-Mix HP multiple times a day if it started looking too dry.

    As for lighting, I did the 'DLI-to-ppfd-to-lux conversion' thing to land on a 20-25 DLI value, which turned out to be somewhere around 7,000-12,000 lux at 24/0 lighting from my QBs. On my last grow, I went closer to 7,000; this time around, I went closer to 12,000. The result: the plants are shorter this time around (Although that could be associated with the dryer pots too).

    WEEK 2

    Temp: 23 deg. C
    RH: 68%
    DLI: ~30
    Cycle: 24/0

    I gave my first feeding around day 8. I followed the GH Flora Series 10-part LIGHT schedule at 100% for week 221: fuck up # 2 lol. I probably should have been closer to 50% for this very first feed. On my previous grow, I was stingy with my feeds and fed 25-50% until flowering. It wasn't until I started measuring nutrient ppm that I realized I was underfeeding the plants. As I mentioned above, I think with GH Flora, it's best to start off at 50% for week 2, 75% week 3-4, then up to 100% come flowering - again, of the LIGHT regimen. Doing so will put you around 550ppm during late flowering.

    In my defense, the plants were on the 'lighter' green side, but in retrospect, of course they were! They had used up the 'starter' nutrients in the peat-moss. Still looking decent though (here's the taller of the two:)


    Again, I gave a little too heavy a feed once during this week as a consequence of the lighter green color. If the plants starts looking too dark afterward, I may give it an extra plain watering or two before I feed it again. Either way, the plant wasn't showing any symptoms of being overfed:

    WEEK 3 - Topping & Training

    During this week, I gave an extra plain waterings before giving them any more nutrients; I then fed again at 50% LIGHT strength nutrients; plain watered the following go; then fed at 75% LIGHT (~400ppm). I also topped both, started training, and cranked my light up into the ~40 DLI range, currently at around 28,000 lux or 450 PPFD at 24/0. My lights will stay like this until I go into flowering, at which point I'll be bumping up their intensity and probably switching to a 18/6 cycle. Stay tuned.

    In any case, this is more light than I gave them my last grow, and the internodal spacing is indeed tighter. This is making LST'ing a little trickier than last time. Oh well!


    In the pics above, you can really see the difference in the lightning temperatures of the different lights. Again, I've been rotating the plants such they have an equal time under each light. Interestingly, you can see a mutation on the plant on the right above -- an early 3 finger leaf didn't sectionalize properly and only has two fingers. Oh well! Mutant plants can make monster buds!

    Here's a wide angle shot. Again, this is just after topping:


    To Be Continued in Week 4 (by June 27, 2021) .... stay tuned!

    Week 4 Part A
  • So we're finally back on track -- today is June 23, and I'm part way through week 4. Here's a couple of pictures I took today and yesterday. Note, they haven't gotten any nutrients this week yet, as they're fairly dark on the green side, as expected from the heavy initial feeding they received. Anyhow, they seem to have responded great to the topping and look healthy in general! My only issue now is the tight internodal spacing is making LST'ing somewhat difficult. There's also been fruit flies hanging around my other houseplants, and I noticed one in the tent -- hence the small jar of apple cider vinegar + dish soap in the tent lol.

    WEEK 4 - Partial Update (More to come by June 27, 2021)





    They're getting bushy! You'll also see where I spilled some nutrient solution on a leaf above, on the left. Oh well!

    To Be Continued again in Week 4 (by June 27, 2021) .... stay tuned!



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    Week 4 Part B
  • WEEK 4 Update - Part B

    Hey everybody,

    Back again with a Week 4 update. Currently on day 28. Things are looking good:



    I decided to switch to an 18/6 light cycle, as per the conversation with @Mañ'O'Green above. :cheers:

    I'm not superstitious, but I am a little-stitious, so I made the switch over the course of 3 days or so, i.e.,, 24/0 day 24; 22/2 day 25; 20/4 day 26; 18/6 day 27.

    Here are some more numbers/vitals from the situation live, right now on day 28:
    • Light Power: Both drawing around 140W from the wall (just over 80% power), with 6-7W in the difference. According to HLG, the R-Spec is a little more efficient than the older 3000k and I can confirm - I get equal PPFD's with the R-spec drawing a little less power. (@Les @HLG )
    • Height: Lights around 22" from the top of the plants
    • Lux: ~39,000
    • PPFD: ~600
    • DLI: ~40
    • Light Cycle: 18/6
    • Temperature: ~23 deg C
    • Humidity: ~56%
    • VPD: ~1
    To recap my nutrient schedule:
    • Week 1 - None
    • Week 2 - Fed once (way too heavy @ ~700ppm)
    • Week 3 - Fed twice (once at 300ppm, once at 400 ppm)
    • Week 4 - None yet, debating feeding tonight.
    • Water/nutrient solution pH always at around 6.2-6.3; watering every 2.5-3.5 days
    The leaves are still a little dark, but the new growth is has a nice shade to it - so I'm hesitant to feed again this evening, especially considering the heavy initial feeding. Perhaps someone could make a suggestion? I'm inclined to give plain water again tonight (for the third time in a row), but then "repeat" late veg / week 4 feeding schedule as per GH, at least until I start seeing some pre-flowers before making the switch in terms the GH week 5 / "early bloom" schedule. I would like to get at least one dose of the week 4 / late veg. nutrients into them though before they start flowering.

    As for problems encountered, I currently have two: some fruit flies hanging around and I've noticed a couple of tiny holes. I'm keeping some apple cider vinegar + dish soap and I've trapped a couple. I think the culprit here was a Snake Plant we brought home from Home Depot. The thing appears to be full of fruit flies!

    Other than that, one of the plants had a bit of an LST-related injury lol. The plants were topped in week 3, then early in week 4 when I was tying down the top two branches on one of the plants, she split a little bit down under the topping site. I put a hold on tying that one down for a few days, then yesterday put a bit of tape around the one to sort of "hold the split together" - almost like a butterfly stich lol. I gave this another day or so before I continued (carefully) with tying down those branches. Anyway, it seems to be holding up okay and is growing a nice knuckle there - and I haven't noticed any stunting!


    The short, bushiness of these ones are definitely making them harder to tie down than my previous grow. I'm attributing this to the higher light levels I gave this early on. My previous grow, I stayed within the 150-300 PPFD range for the first 10 days or so. This time around, they were at closer to 400 by the end of the first week - they're definitely shorter and bushier and harder to train. Having said that, I'm not necessarily mad about any of this lol. I have high hopes for these two!

    I also removed two smaller three-fingered leaves from the very bottom of each plant, that were essentially dragging into my medium and generally making it a bit of a nuisance to water (@Sheriffatman). I did this on two or my last three grows as well and it was all good. :joy:

    Thanks again for reading. I'll provide another update tonight as to whether I decide to give another dose of nutrients or just plain water.




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    Week 5
  • Week 5 Update

    Hey folks,

    Things went pretty good in Week 5. Just to recap, I didn't actually feed any nutrients during Week 4, so I've essentially repeated Week 4 Veg nutrients into Week 5. GH recommends repeating Week 3 and/or Week 4 nutrients if you want to prolong vegetative growth. I should also point out that I typically treat my autos as photoperiods, and I have found that the 13 week GH Flora schedule works for me if I scale it appropriately. I'm in no rush with my autos, and and happy enough to let them run for 14 weeks or so. I suspect this will be a similar situation.

    Anyway, my feeding schedule since the last time I fed in Week 3, through to the end of Week 5, was as follows:
    • Feed-Water-Water-Water-Feed-Water
    • The plants are drinking around 5L of water each every 2.5 days or so.
    • My most recent feed was at ~ 415 ppm
    Temps are around 23 deg C, with RH @ around 52%.

    Lights at around 600 PPFD as per the table above, and at 18/6 cycle, for a DLI of around 40. Starting next week (maybe tomorrow), I’ll boost my lights up to 800-900 PPFD and bring my DLI up closer to 60. I also anticipate I'll be starting blooming nutrients this week.

    Here's how they're looking:


    I also have some GH Diamond Nectar at my disposal. This is one of those nutrients that no longer appears on any of the GH feedcharts; it is a source of humic acid. I’m not really familiar with humic acid aside from what’s on the bottle - it says it helps nutrient absorption. Since it can be used as foliar spray in addition to the Flora Series line-up every 1-2 weeks, I think I may have a go at half-strength this evening before I crank my lights tomorrow or the next day.

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    Week 6
  • WEEK 6

    Hey everybody. Things are looking good and I'm seeing lots of budsites emerge :biggrin:. Here's a couple of pics from Day 40. I have some stats down below as well.


    • Fed once at 450ppm, as per GH week 5 @ 62.5% strength. Boosted light to 800 PPFD.
    • Lights @ 18/6
    • Watering every 2-3 days
    • Temps ~25c, RH ~51% when lights on; when lights off, RH climbs up to around 58%. I'd like to get it a bit lower but it's very humid around here. I think as long as I can keep it between 40-60% consistently I should be good.
    Thanks for reading.

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    Week 7
  • Day 46:

    Plants are looking good and are starting to fill up my tent. Still feeding every third watering, most recent feed was 5 days ago at around ~450ppm, as per GH “early bloom” schedule. Water/feeds always at 6.2. I’ll feed again tomorrow night, probably pumping it up closer to 500ppm.

    I am noticing a couple of leaves with some brown spots as per the pics below. I’m not sure if this is because of my relatively conservative feeding approach, or possibly from the one over-feeding event I gave it in early veg (-650-700ppm), or something else. Any ideas @Mañ'O'Green ?

    A likely probability was I scaled my nutes to 62.5%, but Cal-Mag I regretfully scaled to 75%. Perhaps this unbalance contributed to the issue I’m seeing? On my next feed, I’m going to scale the full lineup to around 66% to give me around 500ppm.


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    Week 8
  • WEEK 8 Update:

    Day 52

    Plants seem to be responding well to the heavier feed. Gave one plain watering again at day 50, will probably feed again tomorrow. Leaf discoloration seems to have stopped and I'm starting to see trichromes. Overall light green shade of the fan leaves is persisting, and I don't think they'll ever get their dark hue back. Could be genetics too as the last XXL by Dinafem I grew was also on the lighter green side.

    It's funny to see the different shape of each plant. The taller/wider one had a mutant leaf early on, and the taproot also curled around the seed when it germinated. The mutants seem to make the best monsters lol.

    As for stats, temps have been a little higher, around 25-28C, humidity 47-56% depending on lights on/off. Still running 18/6, lights at max power @ around 20" from canopy. They're now drinking lots, the bigger one gets around 6.5L of water every 2 days or so; the shorter fatter one gets around 5.5L -- I get around 10-15% runoff. Until now, I had been mixing nutes in 6L watering cans, but they won't do any more. I picked myself up a 5 gallon bucket to mix nutes then I transfer into my watering cans afterward.

    Some pics:








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    Week 9
  • WEEKS 9-10 Update:

    Hey everybody,

    I didn't post a formal update last week, so this will cover two weeks. Time is flying! Looks like I'm on the home stretch here now with another 3 weeks or so for the buds to ripen (maybe 4). Anyway, as per the posts above, I started seeing some issues. Upon correcting, ONE of the plants responded better while the other continued to show some signs of deficiencies. If you look at the post above this one, I theorized it had to do with the bigger plant getting less water and ultimately showing a higher run-off compared to her healthier sister. This was my first time growing more than one plant at a time, and I think I've learned a key-takeaway: different plants have different watering requirements, lol. Seems obvious now. For the rest of the grow, it looks like the bigger one is going to be watered/fed a little sooner than the other, rather than watering both at the same time.

    Anyway, it's been a while since I shared some stats so here's what I've been up to the past two weeks:

    Temp: ~27 deg C
    Humidity: ~ 49%
    VPD: 1.4
    Lux: ~ 54,000 (measured)
    PPFD: 800-850 (as per HLG light-specific Lux-to-PPFD Calculator)
    Total lighting power draw from wall: 320W
    Light Cycle: 18/6
    DLI : ~54
    Nutrient Solutions: ~530ppm (570 including tap water); pH @ 6.2
    Nutrient mix: GH 10-part + Diamond Nectar (humic acid, 2.5x amount relative to Floralicious Plus, the kelp-based nute)

    And here's a few pics:


    And here's some of the problem leaves from the taller one. The short one practically has no such problems:


    And the worst leaves that I plucked off the taller one:


    And as I mentioned, the taller one's buds (left, below) seem a little behind compared to her shorter sister (right, below). The taller one still has lots of straight, white hairs; the shorter one has more orange/curled hairs.


    Anyway, thanks to @Mañ'O'Green for his support on this. The issues seemed to have ceased once I got my nutes and watering habbits sorted. They're looking real good now, I must say:





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    Week 10
  • Week 10 Update:

    Hey everybody, tronN00dles here back for another update. First off, for some reason I called my last update "Weeks 9-10 Update", but looking back through my calendar, that's wrong and it should have only be Week 9. This is week 10. Damn time warp, got me again..... :baked:

    Anyways, things are progressing nicely and we're fast approaching chop time. Clear senescence of the fan leaves is ongoing right now, and the sugar leaves are taking on a golden purple color. Quite beautiful for sure. They also stink, in an excellent way.

    In my last update, I mentioned how I attributed some issues to the watering needs of the plants diverging: this has continued and now they're totally out of sync and need to be watered 24 hours apart. This is an interesting predicament and I guess it boils down to differences in phenotypes, and also the fact that they're under two different lights. I tried to rotate the plants such that they'd spend an equal number of time under each one, but I guess I lost track of this over the past 10 weeks. Oh well...

    In terms of "lessons learned", there's one thing for sure: I was trying to force this grow to follow the weekly GH Flora Series chart in it's entirety. It's now becoming clear that this plant is maturing a little faster than my past couple of auto attempts. Based on the cloudiness of the trichromes, these ladies could be ready in ~10 days. So I decided to skip a week of the "late bloom" nutrients and to start feeding "Ripening" nutrients. I also discovered some GH fine print which I wish I had of seen earlier: it says for faster growing plants, to skip a week of "Early Bloom" nutrients. What I've ended up doing is feeding each of the "Early Bloom" weeks and skipped one of the "Late Bloom" weeks instead to get to the ripening period. Oh well. Could be worse. It's all about dialing in those nutes, and more important, reading what the plant needs, rather than what's on the label :headbang:

    Anyway, here's some pics. Apologies (not really) for the glorified flash pics.... :vibe:

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    Happy growing!

    Week 11
  • Hey folks,

    Back again for another end-of-week update. I just finished up Week 11, and these ladies are just about done. I think I'll be chopping them this coming weekend, which will be at around the day 85 mark (pics below are on day 77)

    Big time senescence is happening and the fans leaves are yellowing and/or falling off. I'm wondering if I had of locked in my nutrients early on if the green would have persisted a little longer. Anyway, I'm not totally mad about it. The buds are beautiful, stinky, and rich in trichromes. They're currently mostly cloudy, with some clear and amber still peppered throughout. I'm aiming for a little more amber that what I'm seeing now.

    Anyway, the big change from this grow compared to my last few is that I am NOT flushing this time around. I'm going to give these girls one more feed at around 400 ppm, then I suspect they'll get 2 more plain waterings after that prior to chop. The science seems pretty clear on the flushing being unnecessary, and I'm willing to forego it.

    Aside from that, a bit of a struggle recently has been the temperature and humidity around here. I've been struggling to keep the plant below 30 deg C and humidity below 60%. Today wasn't bad though, latest reading was 28 deg C and 51% RH which is acceptable in terms of VPD.

    As for feeding, I gave a 500ppm feed at the start of week 11, then two plain waterings since then. They're definitely drinking and absorbing less now which is probably normal. It takes less water to get adequate run-off, and my run-off ec hasn't been dropping between waterings as much as it had been back in earlier/mid flower, when they were thirsty, hungry girls.

    Some bud pics:

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