sorry i don't know how much per galloon but i use for every Liter of water 1-2 ml of grow and 0,5-1 of bloom and top max(since the last 2 times i watered).I water every 3-4 days when i see the leaves starting to go down
So here I'm again we write Day 31 my babes just lost the lower leafs:
Group picture:
The LittleCheese is a few days ahead i bent 2 of them down, and they are getting really bushy now the other one is stretching a little bit but not too much.
First one i bend down has already lost they single leafs and the 3finger leaf gets/is yellow too. What to do if this continues upwards?
Here is the stretching lady:
And the other LittleCheese bush (no yellow leafs):
Now The AutoMazars:
They both lost the single finger leaf today (those on the pic) i hope that it is just because they didn't get enough light.
The other Mazar:
Should i let them bend over or do i get more yield while letting them grow upwards and produce a bigger head bud?
Do you think that the AutoMazar w'll stretch ?
Day 36
They begin to stretch and to produce bud.
Is this the right time to change the light?(1week and 1 day since the first signs of flowering).
The Little Cheese with the problems is finished, i took her out of the box and I'm going to put her outside in the next days so the others get more light. I think i did something wrong by trying to rescue her with nutritients so i ll let nature o the rest if she can still survive this.
Group picture:
The little cheese
(bend down):
The other one:
The Automazar (first row bend down second row normal growth)
"Munch..munch..munchaloha eldiablo~
they're lookin good... bet they're huge by now, right?
been eyeing that Mazar-Photo but decided on the Orange Hill Special instead!
If only, if only I had an entire house I could grow all the strains I wanted to in...
and someone else pay the electricity, of course.
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