New Grower 2nd plant - first grow NYCD Auto

May 29, 2019
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Currently Smoking
Critical Jack
Hi guys so this is my second plant that I started 4 weeks after my first plant same strain as first one harvested.

She had a rough start in a solo cup she was yellow from the get go I think I overwatered the soil at the start. I transplanted at day 14 to a 10l airpot and up to now day 47 she has got much greener and ph was out of range also I have managed to get that back over 6.

Day 47 - 1.5ml grow, 1.75ml bloom, 1ml algamic, 1ml topmax, 3ml bio heaven, 1ml calmag per litre. She is using up 2.5l in just under 3 days.

I am a little later this grow introducing the bloom I just started to add at day 44.

I have one question when would be best to discontinue calmag when growing autoflower?


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is it my eyes,screen or the light/flash or is the centre new growth as light coloured in the pics as in real life ?
is it my eyes,screen or the light/flash or is the centre new growth as light coloured in the pics as in real life ?

It’s not your eyes or the camera it actually is, I think she has had an iron deficiency from the start and ph was out of whack for a long time too.

Believe it or not it was more yellow than that before and is getting a little better now. Any advice on what to do here to help her along what do you suspect could be going on?

The ph run off was down close to 5.5 couple week ago and just last feed I gave nutes ph’d to 6.8 and run off was showing 6.2 so seems to be ok there.
I use calmag right upto my 2nd last week.
In your case i would up the calmag even at the expense of the base nutes (to balance ppm) since calmag will have more iron in it
I use calmag right upto my 2nd last week.
In your case i would up the calmag even at the expense of the base nutes (to balance ppm) since calmag will have more iron in it

Good man thanks that’s what I will do that was thinking along the same lines I’ll cut the bio grow out and up the calmag to 2ml next feed as the calmag has some nitrogen anyway :thumbsup: I will continue adding the bloom also. How much does this iron issue usually effect yield do you know?

Oh and nutes are biobizz organic so I don’t think that it is necessary to check ppm so I’m told??
You want to know the ph of the soil, not the run off water. For that, you need a ph probe for soil. That run off ph technique is very misleading. You definitely had an iron issue though. They are usually caused by a ph issue. And by the looks of the new growth, it seems to still be going on. I would not up the Cal mag. Especially if you've been feeding Cal mag from the start. It's obviously not a calcium deficiency. And if by chance it WAS, it would be caused by a lock out since there's obviously Cal mag in the soil if your feeding at 4ml a gallon... My thoughts.. You most likely have a lock out on your hands (from too much cal/mag or even K), or a soil ph issue. To know for sure, you'll need a soil ph probe or a ppm meter to check the levels of the feed water. Even if you use some sort of iron supplement as a foliar spray, that would at least help for now. Iron is immobile.. So it cant/doesn't travel through the plant to go where it's needed. If you aren't providing iron to the effected areas (usually through a foliar spray), they aren't getting iron. If nothing is done, and the problem isn't found and addresssed soon, you won't have any green leaves left when/if it goes into flower. Also, the topmax product says it a flower booster for the flowering stage.. Your posts shows you've been using it in veg.. The K boost could be throwing things off as well.
Some great info from @Prophetiko there. If you can get a probe that would be ideal if not the runoff test can be a bit of a gamble but is probably the only option left.
Maybe calibrate your ph pen as well just to be sure.
I dont think the topmax will be doing any harm its npk is 0.1-0.01-0.1 its basically a humic and fulvic suppliment.
You want to know the ph of the soil, not the run off water. For that, you need a ph probe for soil. That run off ph technique is very misleading. You definitely had an iron issue though. They are usually caused by a ph issue. And by the looks of the new growth, it seems to still be going on. I would not up the Cal mag. Especially if you've been feeding Cal mag from the start. It's obviously not a calcium deficiency. And if by chance it WAS, it would be caused by a lock out since there's obviously Cal mag in the soil if your feeding at 4ml a gallon... My thoughts.. You most likely have a lock out on your hands (from too much cal/mag or even K), or a soil ph issue. To know for sure, you'll need a soil ph probe or a ppm meter to check the levels of the feed water. Even if you use some sort of iron supplement as a foliar spray, that would at least help for now. Iron is immobile.. So it cant/doesn't travel through the plant to go where it's needed. If you aren't providing iron to the effected areas (usually through a foliar spray), they aren't getting iron. If nothing is done, and the problem isn't found and addresssed soon, you won't have any green leaves left when/if it goes into flower. Also, the topmax product says it a flower booster for the flowering stage.. Your posts shows you've been using it in veg.. The K boost could be throwing things off as well.

This is great info thanks man thanks I think I went and fucked it up myself even further based on the info you have just provided :doh:

I was checking run off and it was 5.8 so I increased the ph of my feed from 6.3 (this is naturally the ph my feed goes to after adding biobizz nutes to tap water with ph 7.3) up to 6.8 this was 2 feeds ago my feed yesterday was ph’d to 6.5

What I thought was the ph may be too low for absorbing cal/mag silly me. The dilemma I have is I am going away tomorrow afternoon until Sunday afternoon and I don’t think I could get my hands on a soil ph probe by then.

Would my best option be to give a light flush of water ph’d to somewhere between 6.0 - 6.5 and add a small amount of nutes at the end and see what’s happening when I get back sunday?

By the way I have biobizz ph adjusting stuff that’s organic so not harming the microlife. I could order my soil ph probe on the online marketplace named after the most biodiverse rainforest and should have monday or Tuesday.
I had a £10 ph meter.i then had to spend £30 on various fluids.
Sad thing is unless you spend £50 plus on a pen,anything cheaper just aint worth a shite.( i went and spent £70 on a ph pen...ive used it 3 times this year and calibrated it twice)
Soil probes same applies if its not an acurite8 not worth a shite.
Soil needs to be moist to give a proper reading,dry or wet soil will gove an iffy reading.
The runoff theory is a calculation based on a formula kinda thing so gives some iffy readings.
Biobizz is good soil i have no reason to believe the ph is high or low.
If the feeds in are within range,soil started within range,soil/pot ph should allways be between the lowest and highest feeds ph ranges.
My vote is for poor calibrated or ph of pen is miles off true.