Indoor 2nd Grow

man me neither kinda y i really wanna cut her down tom lol. the little one's smell is so great is hard to describe almost like it has 2 dif smells liek when u first get by it it reminds me of some skunky/funk dank green but if u let it sit in the room for awhile it tones down into i wanna say like fresh ground black coffee its weird idk shes actually the one i'm most looking forward to the sweet/fruity is nice but the others smell is just so much more complex i can def tell its got more of the nyld in her. cant wait to see how they smoke.
hey guys whats sup todays day 62 for the big girl and day 59 for the little one will be taking both tom so did some pre chop pics already cut all the big fans off. enjoy
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:booya: :dance: :buds: :howdy: If they had an Avatar of me doing a cart wheel in my living room I'd place it here... But instead I'll give you the Siren!! :dancer:

BAD ASS BRO!!! I'm VERY excited for you!!! That is one hellava harvest!!! That is definitely a boatload if not a YACHT-load! WOO HOO!! Man oh Man no wonder your're not on... You're probably in Pineapple land courtesy of your SS Vape!! Can't wait to fly the friendly NYLPD skies myself! Top Notch dude!! :clap: :jump: :thread:
hey thanks guys comments are always appreciated:smokebuds:. yah west not quite there yet havent tested any early this time. gonna wait at least until its been dried properly. will be posting more pics of them after there chopped and trimmed tom so be on the lookout. gonna strt putting up pics of the other two girls also that were in the opposite corner gettin light neglected while these two were growing, there startin to put on the bud but got a def prob again so fixin it atm. cannot wait to try some of this though, think i'm more excited to try the little one really love her smell!!! been slippin but gonna have to get around to ordering supplies for the next run just cant make up my mind if i wanna wait until these other two are done or keep it kinda semi perpetual harvesting like two every month. cant wait to try some hempy out though with a little lst is what i'm thinkin next. oh prob wont have wet weights on these but will def get whole dry weights for them