Indoor 2nd Grow

cheers mate - is hard to keep up with all the strains/crosses - my want list gets bigger!!
bro nice
great bud shots mate all good :)
Lookin' real nice killa.. Looks like you got a real nice set of phenos with your seed run. Really well grown.. you've really come along since your first grow, lookin' nice and dialed in. Bravo!!
hey thanks asi and goodie glad to have ya stop by. yah goodie the taller girl is def more of the pe leaning pheno while the smaller one leaning more towards the nyld, def got the strong diesel smell to it
Now that you mention it a bunch of my HBD's have that diesel smell... LOL I was wondering how I was going to take that smell and curious to how it would be... It's a very strange smell indeed for a MJ plant... I prefer the PE pheno smell myself! :D It's weird how you can take 2 fingers and squeeze the stem a bit and smell them and you smell diesel fuel... LOL I just hope it don't smoke like diesel fuel! LOL Don't know how that will taste! I hoping for some Blueberry phenos. We'll see! Yes and again I applaud you! :clap:
hey west whats sup bro, yah i know what u mean i kinda like the diesel smell though cause i just know its gonna be some dank nugs that i'll be keeping all to myself :toke:. scoped the taller girl yesterday on day 50 and saw a cpl ambers in the cola most everything else is all milky so co0uld prob take her now but i wanna make sure she gets a good flush so planning on taking her right at day 60 havent looked at the smaller one yet will tonight after lights come back on will also have some new pics up tonight to
whats sup my fellow afner's its that time again so here we go. oldest is now on day 51 and smelly hella fruity mean while the second oldest is on day 48 and just got her last feed smelly super diesel/skunk. man idk if its just me but i swear the second one hasnt grown any seems like the colas the same as last time what u think? any way heres the goods!!
d51 d48 007.jpgd51 d48 008.jpgd51 d48 009.jpgd51 d48 010.jpgd51 d48 011.jpgd51 d48 012.jpgd51 d48 013.jpg oldest day 51
d51 d48 001.jpgd51 d48 002.jpgd51 d48 003.jpgd51 d48 004.jpgd51 d48 005.jpgd51 d48 006.jpg second oldest day 48
Wow killa, you have got things dialed in. You're going to get a hell of a harvest from these girls after they fatten up for a couple more weeks. :booya:
hey thanks andy and sir appreciate the good comments yah hopin the both put on a little more weight in the next week and ahalf