2nd grow advice

@Awg52 I have seen good results here using their Bio-Biz light mix schedule at 50% to 60% 500 to 600 PPM strength.

What is the starting water source and PPM? this will determine if you should add Cal-mag or not.

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Well, that’s the next question as I never recorded ppm on the last grow, honestly dunno how it works or what to use/ how to measure , any advice is appreciated
Well, that’s the next question as I never recorded ppm on the last grow, honestly dunno how it works or what to use/ how to measure , any advice is appreciated
What you need is called an EC Meter. It measures the nutrient content of your fertilizer/water mix based on the electrical conductivity of the solution. The meter will read in EC or convert it to different scales depending on the use of the meter. for agriculture the most common scales are the Hanna "500" scale used in the united states or the EC scale used in the rest of the world. I recommend Blue Lab instruments because I lost a six plant grow just weeks from harvest because I trusted a cheap PH pen. Never again! I have a back-up Blue Lab PH and EC meter on the shelf. I service and calibrate the PH pen regularly.

This is a conversion chart for the different scales.

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What you need is called an EC Meter. It measures the nutrient content of your fertilizer/water mix based on the electrical conductivity of the solution. The meter will read in EC or convert it to different scales depending on the use of the meter. for agriculture the most common scales are the Hanna "500" scale used in the united states or the EC scale used in the rest of the world. I recommend Blue Lab instruments because I lost a six plant grow just weeks from harvest because I trusted a cheap PH pen. Never again! I have a back-up Blue Lab PH and EC meter on the shelf. I service and calibrate the PH pen regularly.

This is a conversion chart for the different scales.

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Thanks, honestly cannot make sense of that chart lol my bad
EC the first column down is a measurement of how strong your fertilizer solution is in a given sample. Smaller EC = Less fertilizer. EC 0.5 is a specific strentgth but that does not give you a break down of the elements that are in the solution just the total number of all of the elements present.

EC 0.5 and 250 PPM Hanna are = statements. When people in the USA talk about the strength of their fertilizer they most often speak in Hanna. The rest of the horticultural world especially the EU, UK use EC. I have seen Truncheon used but not often.

All of the numbers across in the red box are a measure of the same strength solution expressed on different scales.

So how you would most often use this table is when you think in PPM and somebody else is talking EC and they say their meter says EC 0100 (many EC meters read in the 100th but they do not have a decimal point in the display. So the EC is 01.00 or just 1. So you go to the EC 1.0 and look across to the Hanna column and it equals 500 PPM. A measurement that has meaning for us Yanks.

Does that help!

ScreenHunter_260 Jun. 11 20.24.jpg
EC the first column down is a measurement of how strong your fertilizer solution is in a given sample. Smaller EC = Less fertilizer. EC 0.5 is a specific strentgth but that does not give you a break down of the elements that are in the solution just the total number of all of the elements present.

EC 0.5 and 250 PPM Hanna are = statements. When people in the USA talk about the strength of their fertilizer they most often speak in Hanna. The rest of the horticultural world especially the EU, UK use EC. I have seen Truncheon used but not often.

All of the numbers across in the red box are a measure of the same strength solution expressed on different scales.

So how you would most often use this table is when you think in PPM and somebody else is talking EC and they say their meter says EC 0100 (many EC meters read in the 100th but they do not have a decimal point in the display. So the EC is 01.00 or just 1. So you go to the EC 1.0 and look across to the Hanna column and it equals 500 PPM. A measurement that has meaning for us Yanks.

Does that help!

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Yeah I’m getting there lol so what should my EC be when feeding? My previous grow I just checked the PH was right and off I went but I’d like to be more thorough this time around
Yeah I’m getting there lol so what should my EC be when feeding? My previous grow I just checked the PH was right and off I went but I’d like to be more thorough this time around
I have good results feeding between 500 - 550 PPM from the third week on. 350 - 450 PPM first two weeks. The ratios between N-P-K change but the strength remains constant.

I run Hydro to waste so your numbers may vary but mine should be a good starting point. You will learn your style with experience. Watch your plants and take notes: the good the bad and the ugly! It gets easier.