New Grower 2nd Attempt, Fantasmo Express & Sour Crack, GN Telos 0006, BioTabs.

Feb 2, 2019
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Hi everybody!

This is my second attempt at a grow. The last grow suffered from a lot of deficiencies and I only managed to harvest a few grams. I'm a bit more prepared this time round.

My setup is the following...

Tent: BudBox Pro 75 cm x 75 cm x 200 cm, white lining.
Light: GN Telos 0006 on a 24/0 cycle. At about 90 cm from top of pots.
Ventilation: Passive intake, 4” RVK duct fan out. Rhino carbon filter and a clip-on fan for circulation.
Pots: 12 Litre fabric pots.
Medium: Soil, BioBizz LightMix.
Nutrients: BioTabs Starter Kit, Bio PK 5-8, mollasses & epsom salts for Calmag def.
Temp/Humidity: 25 C, 50-60% RH
Strain: 2 Fantasmo Express and 1 Sour Crack Mephisto Genetics.

All three seedlings have broken through the soil. The first Fantasmo broke through 5 days ago, the Sour Crack 4 days ago and the second Fantasmo showed up yesterday. I'll just call today Day 3 for simplicity's sake. Everything is looking good so far.

Some photos...

Day 3

Fantasmo Express No. 1

Fantasmo Express No. 2. She's a little bit behind the others.

Sour Crack

I had to plant the SC in a small plastic cup while I was waiting for fresh soil to arrive. All I had was clear 250 ml cups. I wrapped some black plastic around the cup to block the light from getting at the sides. When I peel away the plastic I can see that the roots are already near the bottom of the cup, about 1 cm. I'm wondering if it's okay to transplant soon of if it's better to let her develop a bit more.

That's all for now. Thanks for reading!


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May your yields overwhelm your senses.
May your yields overwhelm your senses.

Thanks. I'm looking forward to trying the Fantasmo Express. I've never had a sativa dominant strain before. The green where I live isn't very good and it's been the same, unknown strain for a few years now. It smells of orange squash. The quality is inconsistent. It's pretty potent but it can be harsh with an uncomfortable high. And it's expensive! Anyway, I hope I won't have to buy it for much longer :smoking:
Hey hey brother! Looks like you are off to a great start, how them ladies doing now?

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Hey hey brother! Looks like you are off to a great start, how them ladies doing now?

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Hey, thanks for checking in!

It's been a while since my last update and a few of my most recent updates have disappeared for some reason.

Things aren't going very well. I've been spending more time in the infirmary these days. They had problems with N toxicity when in veg and P deficiencies in flower.

The same thing happened with my previous grow too. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I'm thinking poor watering practice maybe.

I had a look at your journal. You're doing good!

I'll post a proper update with pictures tonight. Peace!
Just a quick update!

The girls have been struggling with a few issues since they've been vegging.

We're on day 40 today.

At the moment I'm giving them 2 ml per litre of Bio PK 5-8

We've been having a lot of rain lately and humidity levels are high at 67%.

The Sour Crack has had N toxicity since around day 14. She didn't grow much. Lower leaves are showing P deficiency.

Sour Crack, day 40. She's 24 cm tall.


Fantasmo Express No. 1, day 40. She also suffered from some kind of nute burn in veg and p def. in flower. 51 cm tall.



Fantasmo Express No. 2. This girl's a runt. She took a few days longer than the others to break through the soil and she's been slow ever since. She didn't get any nute burn except for a bit of N. toxicity. Some deficiency on lower leaves. She's 28 cm tall.

So, a pretty bad grow overall. Very similar experience as my first grow except I've got Bio PK this time to deal with defs.

I just need to figure out the N Tox issue for my next grow. I think I read somewhere that it can happen from letting the soil dry out too much, which I'm guilty of. I think I might have over watered the seedlings too.

That's all I can think of for now. Peace out!
Hey bro, it’s not looking all doom and gloom! You’ll definitely get some decent smoke off them [emoji3577] don’t be too harsh on yourself man!

maybe you should run your lights on 20/4 instead of 24/0, it allows them to rest a little! But there is literature on both which show they work. Nutrient wise I’m sure you got a lot of help from the infirmary! But all I know is growing takes a lot of patience and learning, and you’re learning the best way you can! Hands on[emoji51][emoji51]

But keep going and growing, upwards and onwards [emoji16][emoji16]

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