New Grower 22/2 light cycle

Dec 26, 2013
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Hey afn,

Im wanting to create a more even temperature throughout my entire grow due to extreme cold weather but still wanting to give my led lights a rest period to keep them in good order.
Would their be any ill effects to my grow by running a 22/2 light cycle?
Does the plant grow smaller due to less rest time and could it be negative towards final yield?
I usually run 20/4 light cycle

thanks for your advice
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Hey puffman420, I'm growing some autos right now at 22/2, and they are doing great. I started at 23/1, and each week I'll add another 30 min of darkness until they're around 18-20 hours light.

To answer your questions... I've grown autos with LEDs a few times, and both the plants and the light didn't have any trouble running 24/7. So long as you keep your temps appropriate, the LED shouldn't need a "rest" period. As far as how two hours less rest a night would affect a plant and its yield is hard to say. Since they can happily run 24 hours lit up, I doubt they mind much. My 0.02, hope it helps.
Hey afn,

Im wanting to create a more even temperature throughout my entire grow due to extreme cold weather but still wanting to give my led lights a rest period to keep them in good order.
Would their be any ill effects to my grow by running a 22/2 light cycle?
Does the plant grow smaller due to less rest time and could it be negative towards final yield?
I usually run 20/4 light cycle

thanks for your advice
I have no evidence but imo plants need some kind of sleep. I don't know for sure but I've never run 24/0 I always let em sleep some. You can watch them start drooping about an hour before lights out
Im in same line with stepside that plant need it rest. Im useing 18/6 and 1 friend is useing 20/4 and seems that theres no big difference about growing. Mayby ill get some real fact in flowering phase.

But i dont see no reason why not to run 22/2 if it suits you best but dont run 24/7 lights on.

What's the verdict on 22/2 my room will go down to 12 degrees if I have lights out for 4 hours.. Starting Next Week so gotta make my mind up if going 24/0, 22/2 or 20/4. Any experienced growers tried all 3?
I would think temps are more important then lighting run time. I run mine 19/5 but have added a heating pad to keep the coco warm as my floor temps drop a lot during cold weather. With the heating pad my tent maintains 75 degrees.

Good Luck!
I have found keeping the ambient temp at around 80 degrees and running 24/0 grows bigger plants imo. Due to needing heat I have to run 24/0 it is not uncommon for me to have minus 30 degree celsius nights and lower in the winter. But I have never grown one auto with less then 24 hours of light ruderalis does not need any rest those genetics play a huge roll in autos.