Grow Room 2 tents, HPS, LED and CMH lights setup and exhaust question

Aug 24, 2019
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Hio all,

Im going to get a new tent, so that i can also grow photos and do some photo x auto breeding. I already have a tent that is 80x150cm(about 3 x 5) with 600w HPS in it. I also found a cheap used Mars II Hydro 400(about 150w) that i bought and pretty set on getting a CMH(LEC) 315w light also. The new tent will be 80x80cm or 100x100cm(about 3x3).

The new tent will obviously be for vegging photos, but i was also thinking of cramming some autos in it. Also using that tent later for vegging the photo x auto hybrids to see which ones start flowering. Autos will take a second place now and are there basically there just to make seeds and i will be moving them between the tents putting photos on higher priority. So the question about vegging tent has more to do with efficiency of vegging photos and secondarily only for flowering autos. I was thinking about 1.5 month vegging in that tent, then move under nets on bigger tent and veg for 1-3 weeks before flowering.

So, im not quite sure if i should put the CMH to the vegging tent and LED + HPS to flowering tent. Or if the LED is enough to veg that size tent/that old plants and i should put the CMH in flowering tent with the HPS? <- This is my main question.


Another question is about the ventilation with the two tents. I realized that i have way too powerful inline fan for my current tent and it would still be enough if i added the vegging tent to the same ventilation system(maybe boost it a bit with a small inline fan? You know those that are same size as ducting). I was also thinking of putting a separate small fan for HPS cooltube, instead of running filtered air through it to make my inline fan more efficient. I would place the ducting bringing air from veg tent near filter in the corner of the tent and maybe making some small box around it, so that the warm air from it doesent leak out the flower tent, but goes directly to filter and out the tent.

The smaller tent i was thinking has larger ventilation holes(160mm vs 125mm), so i was thinking of getting a 160mm -> 2x 125mm Y-splitter and running it in the bigger tent via two holes for maximum airflow.

Is there some reason why this would be a bad idea even if the inline fan had enough power to it? That is counting both tent volumes, carbon filter and power lost in corners in ducting, which i plan and will be able to minimise nicely after i dont run filtered air through cooltube anymore.


As a bonus question. Does cooltube make much difference in CMH? I read that CMH creates nice UV, which cooltube blocks, also that its not as intense as HPS, so it should be kept closer to canopy. If i were to use cooltube on CMH and put it in flowering tent with HPS, i would have to run them at same height with their cooltubes connected. Tent heats up a bit too easily already, so i need to keep the HPS quite high, so CMH would also have to be maybe a bit too far away. I hear that the bulb doesent heat up nearly as much as HPS, so would it be an impossible idea to use one without cooltube, if im already battling with heat a bit? I will be able to optimise the cooling a bit when i get a dedicated inline fan for cooltube and fix the too low humidity. Im not sure how much of a difference those things would make, but i have some other minor cooling optimisations in mind, that may help a bit.

- Cheers