New Grower 2 Haze and an AK,1st Tent Grow with Mars LED

@witchyhour you're a cold hearted man, since the box is right beside the bathroom, i only check on them when when i go pee, ok before and after the peeing and prob. a couple of times in between the pees...:crying:
The bodage game is Fun, but the lady moves quickly...
PS can i change the thread title?
New pics soon, until then THX and :cheers:
@witchyhour is actually a woman, one of many great female growers in this community.:thumbsup:
AmnesiaHaze Day 24
Tips of new leafs still a little burned and clawed, but its not spreading around the leaf. I think too much Nitrogen!?
The other shoots are catching up but there was some serious bending involved;)

The AK47 and Royal Haze just doing their thing, no manipulation just some root activator...

AK and Amnesia definitely a little stunted(?) from the close light during seedling stage.
Hope there will be some stretch soon.View attachment 683817 View attachment 683818 View attachment 683819
:thanks: again for the awesome training tutorial @budelee...
Cheers everybody:cheers:
Got a question for you. With you mixing soil and coco what is your water/nutes ph? Soil should be 6 to 7 and coco 5.8. Looks like your ph is out of whack
Got a question for you. With you mixing soil and coco what is your water/nutes ph? Soil should be 6 to 7 and coco 5.8. Looks like your ph is out of whack

Last watering was 6.7 incoming and 6.9 first runoff, no nutes...
First a little reality update:

(at least 40 days to go:yoinks:)

Update 2
Day 31 Amnesia Haze
Day 29 Royal AK
Day 21 Royal Haze

Flowering started
Still some burned tips with the AH and Leafs are lite green (the Sativa dominance) but still growing strong...
Added some ponytailing and more bending;) All of them got a Neem treatment and i added a yellow monitoring card.

If you have more coco than soil you're too high. And remember coco has no nutes, so are you treating as coco or soil?
Its a approx. 70/30 soil/coco mix so i treat it as soil, no nutes untill today. Prob. next week i will start with the Biobizz Bloom.



2 days ago

THX everybody...untill then no more:pass:for me...
@witchyhour you're a cold hearted (wo)man, since the box is right beside the bathroom, i only check on them when when i go pee, ok before and after the peeing and prob. a couple of times in between the pees...:crying:
The bodage game is Fun, but the lady moves quickly...
PS can i change the thread title?
New pics soon, until then THX and :cheers:
Looking good bro,if you do wanna change the thread title just tag me in and let me know,it can be done..
Hello good people of the AFN,
Update on day 40 for the Amnesia (38 for AK and 31 for the royal haze):

Ph ed Water to 6.3 and added the min. Amount oft biobizz Grow to all of the plants.
The AK went bonkers with serious streching going on while the ah is Falling behind.
I think its due to the fact oft a suboptimal growmedium which is too packed with more little mistakes adding up...(and the amnesia being a little bitch;)

@budelee If we could change title to:
2 Hazes and a AK, first tent grow with Mars Led's
it would be awesome:)
Thank's everybody
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Hello good people of the AFN,
Update on day 40 for the Amnesia (38 for AK and 31 for the royal haze):

Ph ed Water to 6.3 and added the min. Amount oft biobizz Grow to all of the plants.
The AK went bonkers with serious streching going on while the ah is Falling behind.
I think its due to the fact oft a suboptimal growmedium which is too packed with more little mistakes adding up...(and the amnesia being a little bitch;)
View attachment 691804
@budelee If we could change title to:
2 Hazes and a AK, first tent grow with Mars Led's
it would be awesome:)
Thank's everybody
Done deal bro!!
Hello everybody,
The problems with the amnesia getting worse.
You were right, my Main Problem seems to be the soil ph...i'm pretty sure the ph is around 7.5 (6.0 going in, 6.8 coming out) which seems to be still OK for royal haze and TH AK, but the ah is suffering (yellow leafs, stunted growth).
What can i do...?
I read that adding cold coffee (to the ph'ed to 6.0 water) can help a little bit. Any suggestions?
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