Indoor 2 Blue Microverse by Night Owl seeds.

Following. And I just got my order from Dad yesterdaywhen ive finished this run of autos I'll be popping some Sam expresses over summer. I'm pumped. Cheers bro :)

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Good luck! I actually will be starting a couple more of these tonight. I want to see how they do with my new nutes. I will go put 2 seeds in water now. Will plant tomorrow. Once I run these 4 I will see what works best and run 4-6 in a 4x4 with Automated watering.
Alright, day 10. I made some MC water and added some URB Microbes to the water. I fed some of my plants with this mix, including these 2. We will see if I get a noticeable jump in Growth in the next few days. URB says you can just use it with RO water. However, I am using such small pots, I am apprehensive and opt to mix with my nutes. I figure 1/2 gal pots are super small and they are used to getting Calmag and nutes very often. So feeding just URB and RO might be better with larger pots. It is meant to be a 1x per week "Reset'" of your nutes and they say pH is not a factor. I am also nervous of the high pH just using URB and water. I expect a jump in growth and will take pics on day 12. Peace, slow.
Day 11, I noticed growth overnight. Also see an increase in uptake, as the pots were dryer. Microbes must have helped. I usually see a growth spurt within a few days. Tomorrow is day 12 and I will take pics then. I also planted my 3 new Blue Microverse seeds today. 1 had a tail, one was opened good and , 1 was barely cracked. I will have 3 seedlings in 2 days...maybe 1 to 1 1/2 days with the warmer temps. So far they are both staying Squat. Similar structure, but too early to tell if same pheno. I am not sure what to expect size or structure wise. If they don't branch much, you could run a SOG like Daz said. I will have these 3 new ones on Flora Flex nutes and hooked up to pump when ready. Next to a Sour Crack. I have to move the Sour Crack from the 4x4. The 3 Sour Crinkles need the space. Will add pic Tomorrow Peace slow
Day 12 from seed. I will take a pic later today. Should be about 7 weeks left...I hope. I will know more in a week on how they will shape up. So far, not looking very branchy... similar to 24 Carat. I was told there are 2 main Phenos. Both smell like blueberry, but not sure if 1 is bigger or branchier than the other? Now I have a few more seeds started, so we should see both phenos out of 5 plants? The 3 new ones will be above ground tomorrow. Just went to look at them. The 12 day old ones grew overnight, will add pics later tonight. Peace, slow.
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Day 12...
I will start to leaf tuck more no that they are growing faster. I am not sure how the structure will be, but I want to open up the bottom sites. Peace, slow
Amazing growth for day 12!. Looks a lot like the early days of 24Ct and SN. That Bog Indica influence. They couldn’t look happier. Perfect
I think the URB works well. I have been adding 5ml per gal to my nutes instead of just RO water. I was told 1x per week with RO water was good. But I feed so often and use 1/2 gal pots on these. So I don't want to starve them or mess with the pH. I am actually going to be stepping up the usage to 2x per week with URB, because I notice a change within a day are 2. The uptake is higher, they dry out faster. So my personal theory is that I probably use the Microbes faster or wash them away faster with 1/2 gal why not try it 2x per week instead...maybe even 3x. Because I don't water to run off with the Microbes mixed in to let them work. Peace, slow
Looks like day 28 from seed. I see them starting to flower decently. Not sure how fast they will develop they are taking up the whole tent now, I had to take the others out to make room. I would be surprised if they are done in 4 weeks. But you never know. Not much stretch and super uniform. Yields will not be massive, but I anticipate dense tight nugs by the structure. I will take a couple pics tomorrow. Raised the lights, and they look great. Short plants, by far shortest I have done since 24 Carat. Not a bad thing. I could do many of these in a tent vs a couple larger plants. You could even do a stadium grow with them. Which I may do in the future. Peace, slow