New Grower 1st vogaye - 1xbrrybmb 1xthcbmb 2xsensi super skunk

Yeah I'd leave them out for a lil bit man! As tempting as it is lmao! ...I hate the waiting part... But I'm still drooling over those numbers! I'd be so happy to see all that sitting before me. Has anyone told you about the drying times with the RH? Like for every 10% of RH you add a day for drying. Ex.: If your RH is 40%, let them dry for 5 days, 50% - 6 days and so on. I just learned that a month or so ago lol. Did you do the paper bag method to start out with?

Nice one brev. All I know is that RH stands for relative humidity, I clueless as how to check the RH and how t nurture it down to where you want. Yeah man I used a shit had of brown paper bags for like 4-5 days. gunn check on them now
Dom. We're around the 70%rh at the moment.

That'll be about 8 days in the bags at room temp.

You can smoke weed that's too dry, you can't smoke it if it's moldy.

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Nice one brev. All I know is that RH stands for relative humidity, I clueless as how to check the RH and how t nurture it down to where you want. Yeah man I used a shit had of brown paper bags for like 4-5 days. gunn check on them now
I'm just using a "Accuwrong" or Accurite (sp?) Temp/humidity I got at lowes for like 12-15 bucks. But I'm sure someone on here can help me out with a more reliable brand lol. But they're relatively inexpensive. I personally will be looking for a different one, but it gives you an idea of what you're going for. I just chopped and hung it in the tent till I'll reach the date, occasionally opening the bags and flipping them over. Hope everything works out!
I'm just using a "Accuwrong" or Accurite (sp?) Temp/humidity I got at lowes for like 12-15 bucks. But I'm sure someone on here can help me out with a more reliable brand lol. But they're relatively inexpensive. I personally will be looking for a different one, but it gives you an idea of what you're going for. I just chopped and hung it in the tent till I'll reach the date, occasionally opening the bags and flipping them over. Hope everything works out!
It's easy.

You get a whirling hygrometer, record your wet bulb temperature, subtract that from your dry bulb temperature and enter these on your meres calculator for your rh figure!

For drying in the bag, check your weather forcast. That has all the info you need, the abient temp and the rh.

As has been said above, 1 day plus 1 day per 10% rh, in the uk we always have high humidity, the brown bag method is the mutts in these conditions.

Dom, you done a brill job, don't balls it up now! 7 or 8 days in the bags maybe 6 if it's a bit warm.

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It's easy.

You get a whirling hygrometer, record your wet bulb temperature, subtract that from your dry bulb temperature and enter these on your meres calculator for your rh figure!

For drying in the bag, check your weather forcast. That has all the info you need, the abient temp and the rh.

As has been said above, 1 day plus 1 day per 10% rh, in the uk we always have high humidity, the brown bag method is the mutts in these conditions.

Dom, you done a brill job, don't balls it up now! 7 or 8 days in the bags maybe 6 if it's a bit warm.

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@Itisi thanks for coming to the rescue! I honestly have never heard of the whirling hygrometer. And kudos on explaining how to use it as well. I'm gonna check it out right now lol.
@Itisi thanks for coming to the rescue! I honestly have never heard of the whirling hygrometer. And kudos on explaining how to use it as well. I'm gonna check it out right now lol.
You thought I was making it up, didnt you? Lol

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You thought I was making it up, didnt you? Lol

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I was picturing one of the wind meters or anemometers. (Had to look up what the correct name of it was lol.) I was trying to figure out how in the hell it worked, but if the masters say so then hey lol. But I'm a dumb arse.