Outdoor 1st Time Grow! Outdoor, Native Soil, Nirvana Bubblicious...

Jul 9, 2017
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Currently Smoking
Hello, friends!
This is my first ever grow of our beloved plant. My setup is pretty simple... Outdoor vegetable garden in native soil. Our temperatures are averaging between 85 to 92 degrees since I started the grow. We've had regular rainfall and humidity averaging in the 60 to 75 percent range. Though, we've had a little lower humidity lately. The plant gets direct sunlight from 9:30 until 3:30. I use a no-till method of bed preparation, except for the use of a garden fork to break up compacted areas. Prior to this planting, I grew a winter cover crop of oats, hairy vetch, and winter peas. I cut the cover crop and left it as a mulch until I realized I was getting eaten alive by slugs... so I removed the mulch and added it to the compost pile.
I planted one Nirvana Bubblicious seed directly in the soil on May 22nd... it broke ground on the 27th! I didn't start taking photos until June 10th (The photo below). She is planted among my vegetables for stealth.
As you can see, something happened to one of the second set of true leaves. I still haven't figured out what happened. Almost looks like there may have been an insect that got it... but the rest of the plant was fine.
On June 10th, I gave her an application of Neptune's Harvest Tomato & Veg fertilizer. I also applied neem oil. This would have been day 13 from germination.
As experienced folks follow along, please offer any thoughts you have on ways for me to improve in the future.
More to come...
On June 18th, I started lst and applied blood meal to the soil. I took the photo on June 20th (day 24). At this point, I felt like things were going pretty slowly. Growth seemed stunted... but being my first time, for all I know, it's normal. Thoughts?
June 25th (day 29) I further lst'ed her and applied another round of Neptune's Harvest Tomato &Veg fertilizer. I believe these were the beginnings of pistil growth. She had grown a good bit since the 20th, so I felt good about the progress.
Welcome to AFN! Nice to have you and thanks for sharing your grow! Looking good! Looks about right for 32 days. She looks to be in heading into full flower mode now! When you've got good soil and good sunlight, all you really have to do is add the love! She will tell you when anything more is required! Im pulling up a chair to watch this grow show!
Welcome to AFN! Nice to have you and thanks for sharing your grow! Looking good! Looks about right for 32 days. She looks to be in heading into full flower mode now! When you've got good soil and good sunlight, all you really have to do is add the love! She will tell you when anything more is required! Im pulling up a chair to watch this grow show!

Thanks, Prophetiko!
It's good to get some confirmation things are headed in the right direction.
July 10th (day 44)
On July 9th, I applied my first flowering fertilizer Dr. Earth Rose & Flower 4-6-2. I also lst'd for what I believe will be the last time. I'll make small adjustments as necessary.
My plan is to take a wait and see approach to any further fertilizer applications. If anyone has any thoughts on this, I'd be most gracious for your thoughts.