New Grower 1st Round autos!

Nov 6, 2019
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Strawberry Cheesecake
This is my first autoflower grow so i thought id keep a diary to remind me where i went wrong for the next time, i started my love affair with autos buying seeds for outdoor next year but my last photo run was cut short when my extractor failed in a 2x2x5 with a 600w hps running and cooked my girls 4 wk into flower

after a couple of days bangin about and smashing things up i calmed down and sat down to re-evaluate, there was no point carrying on these girls were in a bad way so i decided on a course of action i was clean out of photo seeds so that was a no go, i had no joy locating any cuttings so i though what the hell i had plenty of time to order more autos for next year why not have a crack at some now indoor so i put 2 Royal Jack auto in a damp p towel in a baggy and 2 Royal Blumatic in another and stuck them in the airing cupboard, skip forward 12 hr and weve got 3 goers!
I potted them in peat rot-pots under a little LED to get going i love this bit you can almost see them grow at this

stage in life the cell division and multiplication becomes exponential, if you go out for the day you get back and theyve doubled in size, good job ive ordered a new tent i cant do what i want in my little 2x2x5 but its been good i dont plan on retiring it just yet just reducing her workload lol.
New tent arrived today bargain off a certain online vendor Foxhunter 4x4x6 loads more room my other metal halide bulbs arrived along with 2x400w hps for flower ive already got 2x600w so i can go to that if i think they need it so i fire her up and move the girls in i put the photo girls in as well give them some decent light get them re-vegging

End of first week problems start its not all a bed of roses lol i had not put enough medium in the cloth pots when i potted the girls up so i topped them up with coco right up to the 1st leafs- 1st mistake i was literally choking them 1 of the Bluematic actually started to rot a 2 branches came off the other Bluematic had her seed shell stuck and seems to have been stunted since then
Then i charged my medium with molasses which burned the Royal jacks young leaves, THEN i just wasnt seeing the explosive growth we all seek like the philosophers stone, my tent is in a garage a) with the extraction running i wasnt hitting the temperature sweetspot so i put it on a timer as my thermostat is broke it comes on for 15 min every hour this is allowing the heat from the light to warm the tentto 83 degrees b) the cold concrete floor was radiating so the rootball was cold so i cut 1 ft squares of thermoboard for each pot to stand on an at last we have explosive growth!

Just 1 thing because of all the hype you read about autos having a limited clock, i got myself in a fit of panic thinkin my girls were doomed and theyed be stunted and yeild nothing or as near to, as you can see autos are a) a lot tougher than they appear b) can cover a lot of ground in a short time, just over a wk ago i thought the 2 Blumatic were going to be a waste of time and space and the Royal Jack might just be worth it i said id give them another wk id stressed the smallest RB that much she had jumped preflower straight into trying to build lttle buds, as you can see a week can make a lot of diffrence, back to the 1 thing! because i panicked i started 6 more seeds so now i am gonna have a full tent, its gonna be a true multistrain grow so watch this space,
Stage right - we have Royal Jack, Royal Bluematic x2, amnesia auto, ak420, white widow auto x2, pink grapefruit auto (stunted atm), BCN critical auto x2 watch this space guys! D
good luck for your indoor adventure :cheers: plenty of space,plenty of light :thumbsup: stunted is an overused word.i prefare didnt reach full potential :smokeit:
could be a bit of a squeeze in a month :smoking:but hey hoo :pass:
keep er lit
any1 that wants to tag along plz do so say hi, i love you guys across the pond freindliest people i the world:worship:
@Dosmokethereefa nice to meet you my friend also i think autos with having ruderalis some plants can be tough little girls and allow the odd hickup ive had odd cockups in my time my best advice keep it simple and don't overfeed them and i will tag along with your new adventure
Im growing in foxhunter 4x4x6 under 2 x 250 w metal halide for veg to 2 x 400 w hps to 2 x 600 w hps once in full flower.
The girls are in 12-15 l cloth pots with 2" hydroton in bottom thn coco+perlite
Using Dutch pro A+B for duration
Flower nutes- Ionic Bloom, Ionic P+K boost
Dutch pro multi total once a wk
Hydro silicon for ph up
canna mono trace elements
Quick update - chugging along sweet now oldest three gettin their stretch on ive swapped the 250 mh over the oldest 3 girls seein as height isnt posing probs and they can use the juice to start building them buds, every1 else plodding along nicely i think the new girls are gonna dwarf the older girls because theyve benefit from me diallin in at the older girls expense.
If you've grown photos, your gonna love autos! Biggest learning curve item is your on a clock for veg. So the smoother and less (personal experience) grower interaction the first couple 3 weeks the better.

Other than that, not a lot different than photos, no light flip is freat too.
I miss that Orange HPS glow. :thumbsup:
If you've grown photos, your gonna love autos! Biggest learning curve item is your on a clock for veg. So the smoother and less (personal experience) grower interaction the first couple 3 weeks the better.

Other than that, not a lot different than photos, no light flip is freat too.
I miss that Orange HPS glow. :thumbsup:
Cheers arthur got ya on that 1. M8 like u say its that first month just let them do their thing until theyre big enough for a bit of bondage lol but in all fairness the RQS JH is a monster not really missed a beat even with my errors am gonna buy more because id love to see one thats been in a dialled env from the off . D
Major panic attack last night, i was reading and after a couple of articles i decided upon flushing because my run off was about 100ppm higher than the feed i put in, after which they looked awful i really thought id done some damage with shock or somethin but im pleased to say when the lights came on they do actually look better for it does any1 else flush when they swap to flowers nutes?


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