Indoor 1st indoor grow - Green Poison


stoned, elephant.
Apr 22, 2012
Reaction score
Hello from Spain!

So to get you all up to date... I will be doing a journal of my first ever indoor grow. Please if anyone has any suggestion I am very open to constructive criticism.

I have chosen auto green poison seeds I found at a local head shop. I started germinating April 18th and they were panted April 20th to 11L pots. today when I woke up, the babys have popped out of the soil! (excited!)

I will be using a small room 8ftx8ft in the house to grow. 20-25c tempis very low and would love to hear from anyone about how to increase humidity. I cut bottles of water in half and filled them with water and placed them close to the plants to try to evaporate some water in the air. An osculating fan and a window that opens. PH balance kit to keep PH of soil and water between 6.3 on 7.0

The 3 plants will be grown with a 400W Phillips SON-T Agro bulb.

below I have posted all the pictures I have taken each day up until todays babys popped out!

the dirt:
I went to the local head shop and I bought a 15 kilo bag of Atami Kilomix:
the bag says.....
Atami Kilomix is the substrate that guarantees yield! Kilomix is a hight quality substrate and a mix of high-grade peat types and perlite, enriched with natural and biological nutrients. These nutrients provide your plant with an optional start for at least 6 weeks. Because of the well-balanced composition the structure provides a stable and perfect air/water regime in the substrate, both under dry and humid conditions. Excessive water is released easily, and the water distribution in the pot is optimal, making it easy to water the plants kilomix provides optimal root development, which is also visible above ground. The plant shows the difference.

I am on a 20/4 Schedule

watering with rain water with a PH @ 6.5 (going wednesday to find a PH- kit)

I will work on posting photos in the next hour but i need a quick responce... so I am posting this now looking for


So I am a noob and here I will show you how.

When I moved the germinated seeds to my pots I did not water before planting and I just have been spraying with a watter bottle to keep the area damp. Not too wet, not at all dry. maybe 10-15 good sprays every 8-10 hours for two days. They popped up in two days and now I need to know how to water! I used a spoon and put some water around the area (making sure to not have water directly touch the stem). Check out the pics. The ones with the baby girls are last and I need to know about how to go about giving them water.

Also. I had my light about 4ft from the top of the medium. Now that they have popped outI was planning on dropping the light to about a foot and a half. Suggestions?



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I think you can water like you do. That will work fine.

I put a small plastic bag over them the first week to get high humidity for the first week. I only water the first day and the soil keeps moist all week.

I think you got it all covered good. Just make sure to move that lamp ner your plants in a week or so.. You can start at 1 meter over.. and move 5-6 cm closer each day with no problem.
If I were you I would put the plants in a corner of that " WAREHOUSE" and buy a 4x8 sheet of high density foam insulation cut it to make a box around the plants and cover the inside with mylar so the light reflecks around the plants.I think this will help greatly.
Hey there and welcome to the AFN. Shit, I say that same thing every time.

Yo yo yo! What's up, good sir and we're glad to have ya:D Better? Anywho...

That's a beautiful room you have there. I love the walls and flooring. I do second what namvet says though. You'd get some better light coverage and temp and humidity control in a smaller space. And since you just have a few plants, it wouldn't have to be too terribly large. Take a look about at other members' grows and you'll get the idea. Good luck :wiz:
update info n photos

Wanted to say thanks to everyone for quick responses. I have this journal on another website since I started germinated and I havent had one reply...

Lucky I found this place this morning...


I slowly poured about a cup of room temp rain water around the base of the root. I don´t know if I will cover with a plastic bag but it does sound like a good idea. I have to make that decision tonight.

They have slightly came out about 3cm today and I will try to take more close ups every day...

temp is at 23.3c

humidity terrible... about 20%

good air circulation with window open but will be getting a fan wednesday

I will come soon with new photos...

thanks everyone!
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thanks! I redid the cement in the stones my self and the floor was put in by someone else.

What do you think of the new set up? I have made it this way to allow the window to be the main source of ventilation and with a fan my girls will have no problem breathing. outside temp is about 3c so keeping the window open helps keep the temp down in the room. before i put the reflectors it was 17c now i am at a solid 22c with reflectors.

humidity still sucks but I have read that plastic bags cut out oxygen and are not good in the long run. So this morning I am going to put a bag over one of them to see how it goes and we all can see the affects. They grew a tid bit during the night and I will take photos this morning and tonight and keep a well documented journal for anyone to use in the future. :D

The lights go off at 11:50AM and I think I will go and spray them 5-10 good sprays 5 min before and leave that for all the watering today since I gave them a cup and a half yesterday. I will let the medium dry up a bit and water again either tomorrow night or wait for feedback from you guys about watering.

thanks for your reply!

@ 11:20AM I sprayed about 10 good sprays from a distance of half a meter on my girls. I have named them also

the one on the fa left is pip as in Pippy Longstocking
the middle one is Miriam (my girlfriend who is putting up with my obsession in keeping a solid journal).
the one on the right is Olive like in Popeye

they went into 4 hour darkness starting at 11:50 and I put a bag over Pip as an experiment.

here are the morning pics. I will update tonight with more close ups before I go to bed

have a great day everyone!

click on the photo three times to see real size. each time it will take you to a new page and it will zoom up and you will get a more clear picture.

4.23.12 AMshot Miriam.jpg4.23.12 AMshot Olive.jpg4.23.12 AMshot Pip.jpg4.23.12 AM Group shot.jpg
4.24.12 update

I have given a little water this morning and the girls look good. I would love to hear some feedback from what people think about how to water since I don´t want to overdo it.

Hey man. They look fine so far. Just be real careful not to over water. It is a common new grower mistake. New setup looks much better. I wouldn't put any plastic over them at this point. That technique is more for germinating seeds, but you have seedlings now.

No need to spray the seedling itself, we just want to feed the medium(soil). You can use the spray bottle sure, but just spray around the base of the baby and lightly, or use a teaspoon. You don't want to dampen off your little baby seedling by watering too much as that will keep it wet for too long. You can use the finger technique for now which is sticking your finger in to the second knuckle and if it's still moist you're good, if it's dry then you can water a little. Just be careful not to disrupt your plant. Hope this helps.
Awesome. :bow:
I'll do those watering techniques. I was just a little worried because I feel I should have watered completely before planting germinated seed, but I did not. Thanks for your interest and help and keep the advise coming!
