New Grower 1st Grow, Multi-strain Madness.

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You didn't TC, the link to your thread did in your conversation with stich.
Not trying to offend you, hopefully I didn't. :peace:
Actually it didn't. It highlights the importance of good drainage and under the right conditions (ie very good drainage) you can water every day and keep your soil wet, with it being beneficial to the plant(s). I'm not offended, just trying to get the facts straight. It's very easy to misunderstand/be misunderstood on forums and perhaps I was the one who misunderstood *stitch*. Anyway, I think this has gone beyond the point of being helpful for BigJohnny, so I hope I was of some help and all the best mate.



@Cannabist, the bio silicon strengthens the stems and leaves, it's basically like steroids for plants, mine were weak and bendy at the start and the bio silicon has sorted them right out.

@Robwars, without trying to say I don't welcome other people's advice, I agree with you about the over-watering. Since I've been doing the wet/dry cycle, my plants are looking healthier and growing quicker.

@Muddy, thanks for moving my thread into the appropriate section and that link for the life cycle of autos was just the information that I wanted, so thanks again. I realise growing 4 different strains on my first grow is at best ambitious and at worst idiocy but I never do things the easy way, I always jump in with two feet and normally land in the shit... but if nothing else it will be an interesting learning curve.

@cres, yeah I've found that judging the weight of the pot is a good way to judge if they need watering.

Anyway, thought I'd post a couple more pics...


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Leaf Curling Issues

Could someone take a gander at the first picture please and help me diagnose this issue? I've been reading on teh Internet and this could possibly be a too much nute problem. She's about a week old, I haven't fed her any nutes apart from bio silicon but maybe the soil is too hot for her (this is the only one of this strain, it's a Shot Adrenaline none of the other strains have had this problem), I'm using Biobizz Allmix. PH is unknown. The other pictures are me just indulging myself...


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OK so I figured, I may as well use thread as a diary where hopefully I'll get some good advice and people can learn from any mistakes I've made. Someone mentioned earlier about the soil levels in my pots, this is because I filled the pots up with dry soil, added the seeds/seedlings and then watered and consequently the soil sank and I don't have any more soil or any cash to buy any at the moment. Hey ho, it's all a learning curve. Seeing as now this is my diary, I shall post a set of pictures from 29th April, which is about the day the first lot germed.


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Today the ladies were watered, the older girls got 1mil of Old Timer grow per litre of water and the younger girls got 1mil of bio silicon and 1mil of root stim per litre of water. All the pots were pretty much bone dry this morning. The 2 in party cups are staying in them for the rest of their natural born lives. This is the first feeding of nutes for the older girls so I'm interested to see how they react.

I've also raised my light slightly to get a better spread and to try and get 1" spacing as suggested by Muddy.


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Looking good. That leaf curl is most likely from the soil being a bit hot. Their Light mix is better for seedlings, then the All mix for transplanting. Doesn't look too bad and nothing I would be too concerned about. Just give it plain pHed water for awhile and keep an eye on it.
Firstly, thank you to Muddy, you seem to be the man here, so if you say don't worry, I won't worry. :D

Time for a quick update and a couple of questions. I gave the older girls their first nute feed about 26 hours ago and they seem to be responding well. I gave them 1mil of Old Timer grow per litre of water, erring on the side of caution. The younger ones just got water with a bit of root stim and bio silicon.

My landlord informed me he will paying me a visit in about 4 weeks, just as my plants should be bursting with buds/trichs/wonderful smells etc... it's not like he'll do an inspection or anything, he normally pops in for a chat, coffee and a joint but I don't want him to know I'm growing in his property (I haven't told him about the cat yet which is breaking the terms of my rental agreement - oops), so my question is, can I switch off my lights and fans for about an hour maximum without causing any detriment to my girls as even on the lowest setting, the fan can be heard humming in the hallway. The tent is in my bedroom which he won't go into so I'm just concerned about the noise and smell leakage from the tent with the fan off. He knows I smoke weed in the flat (apartment for all you Americans...) so maybe if I have a joint on the go he'll just think the smell is from that and not the (hopefully) lovely green garden in my bedroom.

OK time for the obligatory pictures. I have a slight issue with the plants in the party cups, the leaves are starting to yellow, this could be due to nutrient deficiency because they've been in those cups since 27th April without any nutes. I'm not over bothered if they fuck up, I'm not expecting anything from them, it's just a lil experiment. Should I be looking at the sex of the older plants yet, they are about 3 weeks old - all the seeds were fems but I know this isn't 100% guaranteed? Unfortunately, I don't know the PH of the water, I've been winging it so far and will have to do so because of fundage issues.


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An ozone generator will help contain and control excess leaks and smells. Get a power strip and place the O2G nearest to your leak.