Just an update have bought myself some Canna Rhizotonic along with a new PH pen PH buffer 4&7 also considering buying Canna Enzymes any thoughts on this?
So Thursday one of My Chiesel baby's sprouted I'm still waiting on another 2 but also the 2 seeds I have gerninating for a friend still haven't popped and has been over a week can anyone help??
I'll attach a picture of the one which has sprouted I cant wait till the others do and Get BIGGER haha
Might try peeling back some soil and having a look in on the others; they might have lost their sense of direction and need a helping hand. Good luck with your grow, bro!
Thanks bud I woke up this morning with one seed sort of resting just above soil but the root was showing sort of sideways so gently tried to manoeuvre it and cover lightly wasn't sure if I had the right idea at the time??
I'm not familiar with soil growing so I don't know the feeding/watering regiment, but I imagine the roots will follow the water after a feed and start working their way down. I'll be following your grow, regardless!
Its been well over a week now and my seeds all but one haven't really done anything I have one sprout and 4 still hiding away. I'm not really sure what to do here whether or not to buy some other seeds and try??
Are you keeping them warm (77-80 F)? How deep did you plant? Seeds should go in twice as deep as they are wide I'm told, so very shallow so as not to make it to hard for it to push through when ready.
i agree with @ballzbeard nothing to lose by taking a peak in there.
I'm on day 4 of a germ of 2 seeds and one just popped today, thinking up to a week is normal?
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