Grow Mediums 1st DWC/LED/AUTO Pandora's stealth box!!

Good to hear! Thanks for the input!

Day 10:
The PH has fluctuated a lot less last night, only raising to 6.1. In the morning I lowered it to 5.5 and in the afternoon was 5.9. Now I'll just check to see that it stays around 5.8 as possible.
I imagine that the 4 hours darkness cycle improved root growth. Today she has not just 3 roots, instead almost 15 or so
Humidity is pretty good at 45% and temps at 24.8C°
I'll update some pics tomorrow! Night all!
Ph fluctuations are a pain. Try to not have spikes more than 0.3, otherwise you'll see some bad effect. Try to adjust gradually if possible :Sharing One:"My 2 cents"
OK! Makes sense. Thanks for the tip! I bought a 1mL pipette today for my sulfuric acid, so i can control the amount i put in.... drop by drop. Pretty effective like this.
Excuse all the updates, I just want to keep a good log of my first try and its early stages. I appreciate and will use your guys' criticism or any tips that people have.

Day 11:

  • PH - 5.74
  • EC - 460 ppm (added 2 mL of root stimulator to my 9L mix)
  • Water temp - 21.4°
  • Room temp - 23.8°
  • Humidity - 47%

I need to get a bigger splitter cause i can't get all my devices on one. The problem being the tube lamps were not on a timer (it wont fit) last night and ended up running all night. Breaking the darkness cycle I had started one day before. I should have time for that tomorrow, but until now, I will do it manually.

More and more roots are showing up and the 2 main ones are stretching down pretty far. I can't wait til she hits her "sweet spot" (as many mention) and explodes. I'm having a pretty good and confident feeling about this as a first timer. I give that to my previous growing skills AND the massive amounts of help and info on this site. Can't do one without the other. You realize, the details matter, no matter how you grow, and even more so in hydro. I would definitely recommend someone who is thinking about starting to grow, to try to perfect growing in soil first.

Here are some pics of her outside the cabinet. The new growth seems a bit yellow, don't know if you can see that. Could this be from too less nutrition? As a side note, my tap water is normally 112 ppm (0.24EC). Also, another updated pic of the roots today.

Have a great day all!
Day 13:

I change out the nutrients today for a fresh batch. I have her running at

  • PH - 5.67
  • EC - 0.97 (489ppm)
9L water + 9mL AH root stimulator + 16mL hy-pro hrdyo ea. A & B + 2 drops Hesi supervit

I got some free Aptus products to try out, Regulator and Start Booster. I tried both of them let it run for an hour and the bucket was alive! Foaming all over the place. Roots started turning brown or collecting the brown matter from the Aptus stuff. So i decided to make a fresh new batch. Only after correcting the PH i went a little too far down. Then I had to raise it with baking soda, then it was too high, but not too much, then i got the ph right. But the baking soda raised my EC (first time I PH up'ed, and didnt I want to mix another batch), so I took out 1.5L mixture and added 1.5L of 5.8 PH fresh water and got it back down from 570 to 489ppm.

I hope this doesn't stress the lady out... What do you guys say about the EC?
Shes kinda got this eagle claw like leave thing going on right now and not growing very high.
Day 14:

Turns out my Ph meter was uncalibrated and out of battery. I swapped in new batteries, calibrated it, and now it works tip top. The EC meter was also off by about 110ppm !!!

So I made again a new batch and got a small clip fan as well to get the air moving in there.
10L water - 10mL AH Roots - 25mL each Hy-Pro A/B - 2 drops Hesi SuperVit - sulfuric acid as PH down

  • PH 5.65
  • EC 1.05 (525ppm)
  • Water Temp 20.4
  • Substrate Temp 24°C
  • Room Temp 28.1°
  • Humidity 42 %
Hope she gets better over night. I also got the flurouscents on a timer running on 18/6. It comes on 2 hours after the LED and goes off " hours earlier.
I have a small problem on my plant. The lower leaves get a few brown spots and start to dry out/crack. I've read around and came to the conclusion that the plant is lacking Cal/Mag. Before I go out and buy a bottle, could someone confirm this for me please?

Besides that she is doing well, the PH isn't fluctuating as much, almost nothing! I think she's almost in her sweet spot!

Here's some pics of the lower leaves I was talking about and a pic of the roots as of today
Your pic won't show up for me for some reason but it sounds like cal mag to me. Btw I love your setup.
Try to get more pics please, would be a lot easier to diagnose.It looks indeed like a multy lockout. What is your background ec?(tap water ec)
Sorry the pics didnt work, i'll try again. my background EC is 0.22 (111ppm). naturally it contains calcium=54mg/L and magnesium=13mg/L

and thanks Truu, glad you like it!

can someone check to see if the pics are working again, if not I can re-upload them

I'll mention again I am using Hy-Pro's 2-part hydro feeding system Would it be possible to add more of the A component to get more nitrogen? The company advises to mix equal parts. I can't find much info about it, but according to other 2-part systems, it's possible.
I'll mention again I am using Hy-Pro's 2-part hydro feeding system Would it be possible to add more of the A component to get more nitrogen? The company advises to mix equal parts. I can't find much info about it, but according to other 2-part systems, it's possible.
Pics uploading working : maybe this will help

I'll mention again I am using Hy-Pro's 2-part hydro feeding system Would it be possible to add more of the A component to get more nitrogen? The company advises to mix equal parts. I can't find much info about it, but according to other 2-part systems, it's possible.
I would not advice this. It is better to lower ph to 5.5-5.6 for more N. Or try 3 part formulas if you would like to manipulate with minerals... "My 2 cents"

EC 1.05 (525ppm)
With background ec or without? 525ppm +111ppm or 525-111ppm? And do you have EC meter or ppm?