New Grower 1st auto Northern Lights grow 78 days outdoor

Most plants have a little color in them if you can replicate the ideal fall conditions ... cool nights and days ... more red in the light ... I've never had a NL show purple but their end of life colors can be interesting ...
Ok thanks @Chester for the quick reply. I read something on my aurora photo fem i have,they said the purple hues come from the Nl's strain but we'll just see what happens in October lol.Will miss my autos when they finish.But getting anxious to see the blackberry and aurora photos flowering again at the normal time this year I love the big buds.can't wait haha happy growing chester
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So i said id throw some so called finish day pics(day 85) .lol at nirvana seeds (7-9 weeks from seed) hate you guys still sorta irritated..but none the less here they are.

Now not sure what the last plant (pic 265) is a X gave me the seeds said they were fem gdp autos never could find her so called seedbank.they are not fem however they are reg garbage i mean 1 female off 10 isnt the best ratio but almost positive shes auto since she showed sex at day 26,ive never seen photos do it.I think shes around 42 days or so shes in a 5 g smartpot full coco loco and perlite/vermiculite and she gets fed every other day 1 tsp of fox farms big bloom 6.5 ph 1/2 gallon water until her stretch ends..I was reluctant to post her since i barely put time in her shes had thrips and caterpillars but azamax does wonders.Well see what she does in the end shes about 21 inches tall.Oh and i broke her main stalk Lst'ing her about 6 days ago but she never even noticed she got a bandaid and is still exploding .happy growin


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Hey calavera nice plants! I've always harvested mine based on the leaves. They will start to yellow and die off, when the majority of the leaves have done this I find its about time to chop, especially if you want the most couchlock you can get. Happy harvesting!
Thanks CG

Ya there definitely yellowing quick since about day 84,at least 5 or 6 die and fall each day or I bump them and they fall off..and a lot of Amber the tester nugs were awesome still curing a few bigger ones but the small ones were a awesome body high starting in the head immediately off the exhale,miss meds like these.thinking I'll give them at least another week if work and my paranoia of young punks stealing permits it lol
Nice! Glad it smokes good, looks dank from here lol only gonna get better!
Its always so much better smoking your own harvest, commercial street crap is almost always cut way too early. At least where I'm from anyways. Good vibes your way to keep the punks away! Lol
So just went to town and grabbed a acu~rite thermometer (model 00592w/00592a)its indoor/out it has a seperate outdoor receiver.hopefully it will help my dry cure since I've never used one always went off the click not a humidity reading..I see more reading coming my way,and questions your probably tired of answering but this bag dry/cure is a real interest for me
So just got a call from my landlord,trees surrounding the house will all be cut down on Sunday. So no more shade a bright side for the garden..bad for me and the 2 girls that I'd like to leave in peace to finish.Was told the garden needs to be moved for about a week so they can stack brush and limbs ect.So I'm At a crossroad or standstill panic.people make me paranoid,bunch of them in my backyard that's usually secure.."oh crap" . So do I cut on Saturday since I have little to no room since my BlackBerry and aurora photos will take up the small corner I have to move them too.guess this is what you deal with when you rent,and I can't let a friend finish them..way to much to worry about.So any help is appreciated I'm stuck and to pissed to think