1st attempt autoflower big fail

2 things I can recommend as a new-ish guy myself:

Get a pH meter/pen (as advised above)
Get a ppm/ec meter/pen

I know when you're starting out it can really feel like you are having to buy so much extra stuff but those two? Invaluable and will last you several grows.

When you get a pH pen you should also pick up calibration fluid and storage solution. If you need a "cheap" meter I have had very good luck with my Milwaukee Instruments ph600AQ - it's ~$20 and has an adjustment screw for calibration.

Get decent calibration fluids and storage solution off amazon. My meter took a little break in time so expect to use the calibration fluid at least once a week until it stays steady. Storage solution goes in the cap to cover the glass bulb. Don't use water or you will ruin your nice meter at worst and at best it will not read correctly.

PPM/EC meter: Test that well water! It could have all sorts of dissolved minerals in it. I have an HM digital Com-80. I think it was $50 off amazon. No storage solution needed. Comes pre calibrated although I bought calibration fluid anyways and it's been bang on.

A pH up/down kit. Use the right stuff and you will have a much better time. General Hydroponics makes a nice kit with both up and down chemicals and a small pipette to get you started.

These things are all worth getting and will last you many grows. None of this will individually break the bank but plan on probably $100 for everything. Good luck!
2 things I can recommend as a new-ish guy myself:

Get a pH meter/pen (as advised above)
Get a ppm/ec meter/pen

I know when you're starting out it can really feel like you are having to buy so much extra stuff but those two? Invaluable and will last you several grows.

When you get a pH pen you should also pick up calibration fluid and storage solution. If you need a "cheap" meter I have had very good luck with my Milwaukee Instruments ph600AQ - it's ~$20 and has an adjustment screw for calibration.

Get decent calibration fluids and storage solution off amazon. My meter took a little break in time so expect to use the calibration fluid at least once a week until it stays steady. Storage solution goes in the cap to cover the glass bulb. Don't use water or you will ruin your nice meter at worst and at best it will not read correctly.

PPM/EC meter: Test that well water! It could have all sorts of dissolved minerals in it. I have an HM digital Com-80. I think it was $50 off amazon. No storage solution needed. Comes pre calibrated although I bought calibration fluid anyways and it's been bang on.

A pH up/down kit. Use the right stuff and you will have a much better time. General Hydroponics makes a nice kit with both up and down chemicals and a small pipette to get you started.

These things are all worth getting and will last you many grows. None of this will individually break the bank but plan on probably $100 for everything. Good luck!
Proper intro!!
Amazon has a blue lab combo on sale both pens and a bit of liquids to calibrate and store under 200$ it’s like half price
Thanks for the replies. I’m looking into PH meter hopefully soon. I took someone’s advice and add a little soil to the plant that is struggling. It seems to be improving.
Monday I have a 4’x2’ 60” tall tent arriving.



Here is the seed I planted this week. It broke soil 3 days ago.


Both are AK47 Autoflower from ilgm
2/3 Fox Farm Ocean Forest, 1/3 perlite
Well water
100 watt led panel full spectrum 24” above canopy 24/7
ffof is a little to chunky to start seeds in. A small solo cup sized pocket ( about 2 cups) of seed starting mix in the middle of the pot is better to let the young roots dig in before they hit all the tree branches and gravel in the ffof :biggrin:
I love how the seedlings look, so green and so perfect!

I've been growing a few years now, and consider myself a newbie. I've tried FFOF quite a few times. Had mixed results because I was also measuring PH and adjusting with chemicals while adding more chemicals. Didn't really know what I was doing, still don't. But my last grow at the start of this year was nice.

I bought some Coast of Maine Stonington Blend organic soil. Ya, it's a bit more expensive, but worth it. I figured I'd forget about measuring PH with UP or DOWN chemicals. My water is usually around 7.8. So I had a really great grow. Very green growth and I just added unPH'd (filtered through a chlorine filter) water. I also fed it some good beneficial bacteria crap (any product with Mycorrhizae), and some molasses to feed them.

All in all it was a great grow until I decided to add some Bone Meal for the phosphorous, since budding plants require a lot of it. I think I added too much. A few days after that I started seeing bright green streaks and eventually brown/dry tips. Yup, pooched it again.

In any case, I say try a really good organic soil and just feed the soil, not the plant. Stonington is supposed to have all kinds of nutrients to supply until the end of a cannabis growth, depending on your pot size as they say.

So far for me it seems very promising to just give filtered water, Mycorrhizae bacteria, and molasses. Others say to do it right you need to make your own "super soil" (compost), but what a fucking pain in the ass to do that shit. I just want to buy some good organic shit close to "super soil", and so far this seems close. Your soil does look a bit "light" in color. A good organic soil with all proper nutrients should look almost black and dark.

I also have a Viparspectra P2000 LED Grow Light to feed my plants. Seems sufficient to me in my 3x3 tent.