Why do growers give out free stuff? Advertising. You like displaying the advertising and so what? You guys act like they are doing you real favors and they are simply marketing.
I give up- We are now in a Trump world where people get promised something for nothing and because so many people want something for nothing.
Why do I have a hard on for these guys? Last year they advertised (FOR FREE) all over,yes ALL over the net on various forums (I would consider it spamming)- anywhere they could that some growers won a Cup using their genetics in South America. If it had been an authentic open competition as they presented it, there would have been information on this even somewhere on this huge thing called the internet. It looked to me to be a either a local or a private competition when I finally found a reference to it. Hell man, I wanted it to be true so I could order some but wanted to verify what they were saying. I haven't trusted them since. You asked, I replied to your question.