Outdoor '18 outdoor grow with think different and big devil... some questions

is there any good man passing by this 3d?

I really do not know what to do... I cut everything or I try to remove the moldy parts and wait at least a few more days, hoping that the mold does not expand?

the plants are just 53/55 days ... I think there would be at least two weeks for the harvest

I had a similar problem last year and it didn't turn out to be as much mold and was small green caterpillars deep inside those buds that were killing off parts of the bud. Looked much like yours. I sprayed for both mold and the buggers with Monterey Disease Control for the PM and BT for the caterpillars. Both are OMRI Organic products. I do a good bud washing at harvest. All is good. I also found not watering on cloudy days helped to reduce the problems. Go Figure?

You might also want to check out this journal to as it also has some great info.
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