Outdoor '18 outdoor grow with think different and big devil... some questions

Apr 11, 2018
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soon I will start my outdoor cultivation ... I will keep the plants for a month indoors under 8 t5ho, and then move them outdoors...

I will start in 6-liter pots (the pots are made of canvas plastic... for the transplant just cut the canvas...) outdoors they will be planted in the ground...
I decided to use 6-liter pots because I saw that in one-gallon pots the roots in a month have already colonized the whole pot... and this year I want to transplant in the ground when the pot is not yet fully colonized...

I have a couple of bags of earth, a light mix of mills(ec 1.15) and a one lot of mills dna ultimate soil with cork (contains a 25% of coconut fiber and cork instead of perlite and has on ec of 1.25 - 2.45... the value ec increases gradually to about 2.45 because the fertilizer balls dissolve slowly)

I would like your opinion: I'm going to fill the 6-liter pots halfway (bottom) of ultimate soil and the remaining light mix... what do you think?

another thing ... reading the guides I saw that they recommend the soils with 30/40% of coconut fiber for autoflowering ... think it is appropriate to add a 10% coconut in the light mix as it contains only a 10% perlite?

Last question what is your method for acclimatization of plants in the sun?
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soon I will start my outdoor cultivation ... I will keep the plants for a month indoors under 8 t5ho, and then move them outdoors...

I will start in 6-liter pots (the pots are made of canvas plastic... for the transplant just cut the canvas...) outdoors they will be planted in the ground...
I decided to use 6-liter pots because I saw that in one-gallon pots the roots in a month have already colonized the whole pot... and this year I want to transplant in the ground when the pot is not yet fully colonized...

I have a couple of bags of earth, a light mix of mills(ec 1.15) and a one lot of mills dna ultimate soil with cork (contains a 25% of coconut fiber and cork instead of perlite and has on ec of 1.25 - 2.45... the value ec increases gradually to about 2.45 because the fertilizer balls dissolve slowly)

I would like your opinion: I'm going to fill the 6-liter pots halfway (bottom) of ultimate soil and the remaining light mix... what do you think?

another thing ... reading the guides I saw that they recommend the soils with 30/40% of coconut fiber for autoflowering ... think it is appropriate to add a 10% coconut in the light mix as it contains only a 10% perlite?

Last question what is your method for acclimatization of plants in the sun?

Sorry for my bad english

Ad maiora!

Hey great to meet you!! Check this thread out!! https://www.autoflower.org/threads/maximizing-outdoor-autos-guide-to-growing-under-the-sun.56402/
my pleasure! ok, nice thread full of useful information, thanks!
very nice the idea of Instatransplant pot... I use the foldable containers in light plastic... just place it in the hole, cut it and remove it ...

...about the use of the two types of soil mix for half pot, what do you think?
my pleasure! ok, nice thread full of useful information, thanks!
very nice the idea of Instatransplant pot... I use the foldable containers in light plastic... just place it in the hole, cut it and remove it ...

...about the use of the two types of soil mix for half pot, what do you think?

Sorry i can't comment on the soil choice, since i have not used any of those mediums before. I am not really a super soil guy at all, but if you post some links to the soils you are planning on using, I bet someone will come by and give you their thoughts.
this seedling has some problems... it would seem overwatering... but did I get as much as the others... opinions?
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in three seedlings I also noticed a slight discoloration of the tips of the first leaves ... the pots are 7 liters, filled with DNA mills ultimate soil (soil fertilized) in the lower half and with mills light mix soil in the upper half... I fertilized by leaf three times with rhizotonic
in three seedlings I also noticed a slight discoloration of the tips of the first leaves ... the pots are 7 liters, filled with DNA mills ultimate soil (soil fertilized) in the lower half and with mills light mix soil in the upper half... I fertilized by leaf three times with rhizotonic

Darn bud...i wish i had more experience with the soils you are using, so I could help you!! Got a link to the page with description of the soil?
this seedling has some problems... it would seem overwatering... but did I get as much as the others... opinions?

sorry for my bad english

That does look like over watering to me! Some plants are more susceptible to over watering that others.