Fast Buds 10 plant west coast og led coco grow

pretty wcog close up there hairs turn almost a gold color instead of a brown it's crazy the smell is weird to but I love it !

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2 very different phenos of my wcog :) got the donkey dick look alike on the left haha ! Gonna be a big main cola

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The other 7 are more stockey these 2 are my tall girls

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decent frost on these wcog so far they have about 3 weeks left until harvest :)

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They are some amazing looking girls. I myself am growing west coast OG kush auto and west coast Girl Scout cookies auto in DWC under 2 1000 wat Vipars and 1 600 hps but I've got a problem with one its on week 5 ppm 2 nd feed of Flores. But the ppm has stayed pretty much the same but the ph keeps dropping to 5.4. So I think it's locked out what do you think

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my whole tent right now bro just took this pic I also have another 3x3 tent with just one plant in it I'll take a pic now

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