New Grower 1 Beginner to another .


Worm Hunter .
Staff member
AFN Global Moderator
Aug 9, 2014
Reaction score
Ok guys [ new blokes ] I just want to say that when you first start on this Auto flower growing don't worry to much about what you see here with the strain your are growing that doe's not look like what you see the top growers produce , we can't do that , some times I think the expectation that we think we can do is wrong , I see questions like yield , yes these plants can yield what
they say and more , -- BUT-- can we take that plant to its max ability -- yes we can , with the guidance of the senior growers here , who will guide us but ask , and no question is silly , I have said this before , you will be treated with respect ,now I might be wrong here but I see a lot of blokes that live in big city's and I don't think have grown things before , so don't get disillusioned just ask the people here they will go out of there way to help you , If you get 1/2 once of your plant think how good is that , not oh no I have done some thing wrong It's not the weight you get it is the whole experience of growing the plant , getting stoned is one of the aspects of chilling out , but how good is the healing effect of tending to your plant [ love - tenderness - ] which we pass on in our daily life . We have a community that has a world wide membership . I went to a concert once[ 1979 ] and the bloke a sang .
Good post. You get a cookie.
Growing pot is the best therapy around. Works for all kinds of issues or ailments. Smoking the pot you grow yourself is a great feeling of accomplishment. And the more therapy sessions you attend the more pot you have to smoke. Win win in my book
Growing pot is the best therapy around. Works for all kinds of issues or ailments. Smoking the pot you grow yourself is a great feeling of accomplishment. And the more therapy sessions you attend the more pot you have to smoke. Win win in my book
Got to agree with you there bro.
Very well put. I'm in it for the experience of nurturing another living creature to the best of my ability. If that creature, treated well, happens to give me some of my favorite cookies at the end of the day, well that's just a bonus! If i make mistakes and learn from them, and can apply those learnings to my next grow, then I have succeeded.