Indoor $1.50 Seed Grow! Are cheap seeds worthwhile?

$1.50 Seed Grow! Are cheap seeds worthwhile?

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I'm all for economics, good luck with those berries but why do you call them cheap, not the best way to get on their sweet side i think :crying:
@Archaic I totally agree, however I think seeds will be more regulated than in the garden isle at Wally world lol. I love genetics and am a hoarder when it comes to seeds. I always say I don't have any but really what I mean is I don't have any that I'm willing to pop yet lol I've got old school beans that aren't offered for sale anymore but still won't pop them lol

@bushmasterar15 I would say to add some sort of myco to your soil if you plan to RIP and replant. It should "eat" whatever left over matter and use it to feed the new growing plant. It shouldn't interfere with mc I don't think.
I've long been looking at as they have some excellent pricing, not only on their own, inexpensive bulk seeds, but also often great prices on popular seedbank strains.

I wanted to try some of their own brand cheap seeds, which go for $1.50 to $3.00 each. I got 10 auto Blueberry for $15.00!!! WOOOooo! Now to see if they were actually worth spending money on.

I put 2 in a soak for about 20 hours and transferred them to paper towel last night. They had already sprouted a radicle so seems like vigorous seeds.

I'll get pics when I plant them in their 4" starter pots of soil. They will will eventually be transplanted into auto pots. they will be the 8th grow in the same soil. I cut out the stump of the previous plant, and plant the new seedlings in the hole.
:pop:I’m subbed in for sure. The price is definitely right. How long did they take to get them to you? At that price I’ll get a few 10 packs of different autos myself for the outdoor sea of green I want to try out on the backside of my property this spring.
I ordered just before Christmas and got the from spain in 4 days! I did use Fedex priorty and it was worth it.
4 days is worth it. Packages updated as much as I can from UK seedbanks usually take 3 weeks to get to me, while constantly fearing that little message from customs. :cuss:
One Blueberry sprouted! Pics tomorrow!
And so it begins!:woohoo: