Indoor 1/2 Ounce In A Can Of Fanta (Low Ryder 2 Micro Hydro (Grow In A Flash).

Yeah, that was my primary concern was the root system eventually getting rootbound and rotting. I never heard of the cannazym product before, looks very interesting. How often did you use it? I just placed an order for some. Should work great with the FF organic trio I have.
Yeah, that was my primary concern was the root system eventually getting rootbound and rotting. I never heard of the cannazym product before, looks very interesting. How often did you use it? I just placed an order for some. Should work great with the FF organic trio I have.

Personally I only use it inbetween normal feeds, maybe once a week & at 2/3 strength for autos.
i have to say i am impressed with the yields off this setup.
Cheers all. I believe it was the compination of the Hempy style of growing & the constant refreshed water in the pot that made the plant what it was.
WOW that is nice :thumbs:, but how exactly does that work? I have seed people get huge yields of ridiculously small pots before that they were photopeiod strains. I always thought that with autos they need to be in a big pot right throughout the grow otherwise there yield is greatly reduced? :confused: I also read that with autos its the height of the pot that matters the most and not the width. Apparently 'tree pots' work really great. Very tall but not so wide.

Oh well, I guess not :dance2:
Sometimes it just works out that way mate. I'm growing one of my crosses in a Pot Noodle pot at the moment for a compo on another forum, and it still looks the part. I'll not get much off it as it's only outside (and little sunlight where I am really), but I'll hoping for a 1/4 ounce to BHO.

08 Noodle Day 50.jpg