Old Reviews .06$ Digital Ph Meter

i agree jm i had a $30 and it was saying 6.4 then i got the hm ph-200 $89 and my ph was 4 something
I 2nd the hannah 98129 combo meter-love mine. I got one of those cheap yellow meters as a free gift with an equipment order-it worked for a while and then went ape on me after i let the tip dry out once.
I had a rapidtest soil meter $20 crapped out and I didnt kow it... skewed low... thinking everything was still high 6.8-.70

ended up with stuff anywhere between 4.0 and 6.0..

Got a good one now... $75 shipped....
well shoulda been $75
not $75 plus $20 plus losses.... but I paid for that problem ... :lol: