white widow

  1. Dr. Babnik

    Indoor My garden rigth now - days 37 and 39

    Here is an update on my first grow as a clandestine gardener. I have mixed results, but 2 successful girls and learned a lot. Have a look. I am a little proud of how well my first attempt is comming along. My garden day 39+ by Dr. Babnik posted Apr 18, 2016 at 3:42 PMWhite Widow #1, day 39 by...
  2. Dr. Babnik

    Live Stoners My new indoor hobby

    Hi, all! I got a new hobby... My setup: Silverbox DR3 60x60x160 cm tent Cfl 250W, 6400K for veg and 2700K for bloom. 1 small fan - I need another one when the plants reaches approx 25 cm. As for now, there is movement in all 4 seedlings. My first grow. Pics in the album is from day 18. 2...
  3. Dr. Babnik

    Indoor My first grow - please adivce!

    Hey! This is my first post about my first grow. I have initiated my first grow. I am growing auto versions of White Widow and Super Skunk. I would appreciate your comments and advise to my setup and the comments below. My garden, overview by Dr. Babnik posted Apr 2, 2016 at 9:51 PM Left...
  4. The Vault

    WIN an exclusive Vault T Shirt and some truly AWESOME genetics!

    Something for everyone in this awesome line up: 1. A pack of 6 Girl Scout Cookies Feminised Seeds from Cali Connection (These award winners are like gold dust at the moment, hard to get anywhere but I have been saving a pack for a special occasion. All the connoisseurs and aficionado’s will...
  5. MitchConner

    Indoor 2nd grow, 1st post. All AUTO-Pink Grapefruit (3), WW XXL (1), Dinamex (3), Himalayan Blue Diesel (1)

    Hello everybody! I've been an avid user of AFN for a few years now, conducting research and just tagging along for the ride. I've decided to post my second grow because I would like to help anybody in need, as that is what many of you great people have done for people like me. My first...
  6. TaNg

    Dutch Passion Dutch Passion Auto White Widow Vape Report.

    SeedBank : Dutch Passion. Strain: Auto White Widow. Did it autoflower?: Y/N Yes after about 20 days. Soil/hydro: Plagron Light Mix Nutes: An array of Advanced Nutrients. Light (kind and schedule): 24/0 veg 18/6 bloom. Light used was a fully upgraded GN Rebel MS0006 From seed to...
  7. TaNg

    Lighting TaNgs AWW Grow With Rebels.

    I started the diary a few months ago in the private GN test section,it is my first grow with the completed GN Rebel upgrades so I have been experimenting with light heights and light cycles. Here is some info on the Rebels https://www.autoflower.org/f109/gn-rebel-serie-25602.html The strain...