sick cannabis plants

  1. Koi

    I need a doctor

    Hey guys, back in action again with a way more secure grow spot; much more safe and weed friendly. Anyways, so I'm currently trying "trying" to grow some Mephisto Grapey Walter, germed it in wet paper towel and she popped day 3. Threw her in a soil mixture of perlite, biobizz lightmix and my...
  2. pop22

    Wierd growth, never seen this one

    Well I hope someone has seen this, I'm baffled! Problem: buds that look like brussel sprouts...... and/or huge calyxes Medium/grow method: organic soil, only amendment this year horse manure-well composted Feed: and supplements used: none water source: well water Strain/age: Blue...
  3. D

    My Seedlings haven’t been growing and look pretty bad

    Hey y’all , I’ve been growing two seedlings, critical 47 and black auto and both of them were doing good if not great first week , then I started putting nutes, and after two times i fed them my critical had all her leaves drooping down while my other one was still doing well, after a day my...
  4. A

    Yellowing leaf tips and clawing!

    Hey all. I have 3 autos on the go there 18 days old. All was going well until my strongest girl started to grow clawed leaves with some yellow tips. It's only on her new leaves older leaves haven't changed and are still looking ok. It all points to a ph problem or nitrogen toxic from what I have...
  5. A

    Live Stoners Hey fellow growers and smokers/vapers.

    Hi all. So happy to have found this site and community! So I've started my first ever grow! Something i should have done a long time ago! I've got 4 girls on the go under a 600w hps bulb (which i think is to much). Having to battle the heat and humidity war with that light was hard with...
  6. M

    Need help what's wrong with my autos

    My autos are between 13 and 16 days old and the leaves on some are yellowing and I need help with diagnosis. I am feeding then 1/2 tsp of grow big fox farm and if they can handel it 2 to 3 tsp next feeding I usually water with food every other time like stated on the food chart . I just really...
  7. F

    Messed up lighting schedule

    Hi guys my DP Colorado cookies are about 8 days since breaking ground. I've messed up the lighting schedule twice now... The lights are on a 20/4 regime (10pm They are off untill 2am) and once I forgot to turn off the lights until 1:30 am and just today I forgot to turn the lights back on until...
  8. Autogrowzs

    Poorly baby nycd

    Here's my nycd has brown spots on leaves quite heavy on 2 leafs I have given a dose of calmag new growth seems healthy just wanna be on the safe side. Also a quick hello from me to all.
  9. 7

    New Grower Weird discoloration on my leaves someone help?

    Not exactly sure what's wrong with her I need some help Buddha seeds autoflower 300 watt led Fox farms ocean forest Fox farms trio Cal mag