sick cannabis plants

  1. P

    Indoor Second time grower here! In need of experts!!

    Second time growing and ran into some problems on two plants in their flowering stage. NUTRIENTS AND SOIL: THIS IS THE SOIL I USE!^^^^ NUTRIENTS ADDED TO SOIL^^^^ -I ALSO ADDED WORMCASTINGS AND PERLITE The first plant is Poison berry from Crop King Seeds and is at 8 weeks FML MY...
  2. I

    Skinny leaves at bud sights on one plant.

    First time poster, long time lurker..... This is my first year growing so bear with me. I have a tent with some autos (and a couple clones) that are doing great except for one plant. They are in week 3ish of flower and this is my first round of autos that are actually working out yay. As of...
  3. BigBudz2020

    Help needed

    Hi guys this is my 6 week old blue cheese from Royal Queen Seeds that I have growing in a space bucket. Temps are around 27 degrees celsius with humidity around 55% I over fed her calmag at a dose of 1.5ml per litre twice over a 2 week period then panicked and flushed her with around 24litres of...
  4. P

    Half of my plant is dying

    Does anyone know why my plant seems to be dying in one side only???
  5. L

    Newbie In organic soil needs help.Can this plant be saved?

    Of I did anything wrong in posting this please let me know so that I can make the correct changes ..Thank you guys Problem:Ok I have a 7 week strawberry pie auto from fast buds. This plant is pale green with bud sites but no smell or trichomes on the plant .I had to leave town for several days...
  6. G

    Hubbabubbabear Yellowing

    Hi- any help appreciated. The plant started yellowing during stretch lower down but whole plant now has a much lighter colour with random leaves looking like the removed ones (these were from quite high up) I have had yellowing during stretch and early flower before, but seemed to get past it...
  7. C

    Sick plants in 3rd week. Need help.

    Can anyone suggest what might be wrong with this autoflower? I've kept to a schedule of bio grow nutrients and all other conditions for growth are good; temp, substrate, humidity etc. Is it nutrient deficiency or too much? Thanks
  8. OG-GeMann


    thoughts on this: The discoloration on one just one of the girls. 75-78 degrees light on, 64-69 light off, humidity 50%....Light HLG 600 rspec height at the time was 20" now its at 24" at 70% brightness....:vibe:
  9. J

    Sick 5 week olds

    Hi, I am growing Strawberry cheese for the first time. This is my 3rd grow and my plants are 5 1/2 weeks old. This crop some plants did really well and others not so much. Now I am seeing clawing and yellowing. Everything on the internet points to “under watering” however these are in a...
  10. Luketheduke

    Any ideas?

    I havent had any issues with this batch until now. All the other seeds were germed and planted the same method and are all doing fine. Whats going on with this one?
  11. Dojavu

    Cal mag deficiency?

    First time grow, auto-flower. One gorilla glue on right 5 gallon coco One Pineapple Express 3 gallon coco 2x4 gorilla grow tent lite Ca lightwork solar extreme 250 Noticed the gorilla glue leaves were looking unhealthy, calibrated ph meter feeding around 4.8-5.5ph Using around 2ml calmag...
  12. Newtoautogrow

    3 week old autos look sick.. Please help

    (Autos) I'm growing in light mix soil with added perlite... Ive only watered maybe 4 times in 3 weeks (pre soaked the soil)... New growth seems abit clawing.. I haven't added any nutes yet.. Watering at 6.5.. 25° @50rh 600w hps 20 lr airpots.. They seemed perfect 1 week ago???... Any suggestions?
  13. Hemposapien

    Is this contagious?

    Hi, I posted earlier this month about the same problem but it seemed to persisted to almost every other plant in my garden. I'm wondering if it's a virus but I feel like that's highly unlikely. I suppose if I'm using all the same medium, the plants would all react the same right? I'm using...
  14. Newtoautogrow

    Autos look sick

    Hey everyone my autos look abit not too good they are about 11 days old 20liter air pots in soil just giving ph water at 6.2-6.6...@ 25°-60%rh using 600w hps and 20/4 light schedule
  15. C

    Orange spots on seedling

    Hi all, So got a royal amnesia haze seedling, it's in with some magic soil and only a few days old so I didnt think it should be having any nutrient problems but it is looking like..... Any advice would be hugely appreciated.
  16. A

    Indoor Sick plant need help please

    Im new here and dont know what to do. Using bio bizz nutes and bio bizz light mix soil. Day 33 after sprout and have some issues. Mars hydro ts 1000 10 litre air pot. Purple lemonade fast buds Please help. Humidistat 60% temp 26 Celsius light schedule 20-4
  17. Newtoautogrow

    Xxl autos droopy?

    My xxl autos have been droopy for the past 2 weeks and have stunted big time compared to my last grow... Mobydick xxl 5gal pot with light mix soil 600whps 20-4 light schedule... I have only fed once... The pics are the plants yesterday... They are way worse today and way more droopy and have...
  18. Newtoautogrow

    Sick autos 2 weeks old

    Sup guys my 2 week old autos have some spots any idea what's causing it.. Temps and humidity 20-25 50-55% Light mix soil PH 6.2-6.8 5 gal pots Strain mobydick xxl Light schedule:20-4 Have not fed yet just plane ph water answers much appreciated
  19. Newtoautogrow

    Indoor Yellowing in late flower

    Hi guys so I'm on week 10 moby dick xxl and I'm getting really bad yellowing and I have no idea what's causing it.... Ph is 6.7..using remo nutrients
  20. B

    New Grower Drooping leaves and yellowing fan leaves

    Hi, hoping someone can help me troubleshoot. Indoor, coco grow, under 2 x 600w hps (ballast controlled and each set at 400w) Using seeds from 420fastbuds and biodiesel nutes. Quite suddenly at the start of week 5, leaves became droopy and then a few days later the yellowing started. I know...