
  1. T

    Seedbank recommendations?

    I ordered from CropKing for my first run. No issues with them. I was told they don't have the best phenotype though. Any suggestions?
  2. Strainly

    Live Stoner Chat Protect your genetics

    IMPORTANT The Open Source Seed Initiative (OSSI) confirmed that they are willing to accept Hemp varieties under their Open Source Pledge! (Cannabis varieties will be considered upon federal legalization in the U.S.). If you have Hemp varietals you’d like to formally pledge as open source, wait...
  3. Strainly Cannabis breeding and ethics: what should you do and not do when breeding cannabis

    Hey everyone, Many of you have expressed some interest in breeding. You are not always sure what is (and is not) acceptable to do when breeding from someone else's seeds. Matt from Riot Seeds has put an article together = The Golden Rules of Cannabis Breeding Do you agree or not?
  4. D

    Need Suggestions regarding garden plants

    would like to suggest that plants grown from seeds also have a small chance to produce seeds as well.
  5. Strainly Need your LOVE

    Hi Everyone! We are currently working days and nights to upgrade our site and give you more of what you asked for. In order to facilitate and accelerate the process, we are doing a crowdfunding campaign = HERE Please don't hesitate to support. Their are rewards in the form of Premium plans...
  6. Gary Vault

    Cannabis v Crohns

    We're starting a new blog series where we invite one of our followers to write about their positive experiences with Cannabis. Our goal is to help push the legalise Cannabis movement forward and break down stigma's. In this first post, we have a blog from Giancarlo in London, who tells us his...
  7. Gary Vault

    Seed Shopping? Have 12.5% Off Your Order At The Vault for AFN Members

    Straight to the point...Use code AFN125 to get 12.5% off your whole order! We send worldwide, give freebies on all orders and accept credit card. #TeamVault
  8. Gary Vault

    Vault's One Love Promo - Win Up-To 25 Seeds + 14% Discount Code

    Don't worry if you missed out this Valentines Day - take some love from the Vault with our 'LOVEly' Valentines Day #onelove International Promo. We want to see how far and wide our audience is spread across the globe, so to be in with the chance of winning one of 10 prizes with seed packs...
  9. Strainly A dedicated platform to offer your varietals

    Hi everyone, This is WHAT Strainly is about, HOW it works and WHY we do it. We're based in Montreal but the majority of our members is in the US. We've been operating for 2 years and have been recognized for offering a safe platform for preservationists, breeders, growers, seed banks and...
  10. Son of Hobbes

    2018 Black Friday Sales

    Hey guys Black Friday is around the corner and it's time to start posting those deals! We'll see if we can't get a big list here and get our @Vendors to add in on anything they have and hopefully we can edit/update one big list here for convenience!
  11. E

    Seed Bank Seed City -- great place to order your seeds!

    Seed City -- great place to order your seeds! Hey AFN crew, Should have done this some time ago. Just a quick shout out to Seed City. My latest grow of mainly CBD med plants (here) was sourced through Seed City. Again. Did my last order through them, too. Great site -- Good options for...
  12. Sweet Seeds

    Sweet Seeds Sweet Seeds® 2018 ✦ [Catalog]

  13. Madness

    Live Stoner Chat Waste of time -seedsman review

    I have no idea where to post this because i didnt see a seedsman subforum so if it needs to be moved can some admin do it for me? Thanks...anyways... First off i just want to say that i understand that this is partly my fault but i am furious with how this ended. Normally i have gone with...
  14. Chong's Cousin

    New Grower Seeds Stateside..?? -_- heLP

    Been doing some research and think I have decided to go with AliBongo for beans in the states. Quick question though, do i use real name? Should I use alias for my bean order with bongo? !st time beaner since cheech moved out.....All opinions and tips are welcomed.
  15. Sweet Seeds

    Sweet Seeds ★ Winners of the Sweet Seeds contest, October 2017 edition

    ✿ Photographic Contest ✿ [/URL'] [/URL'] October 2017 edition [/URL'] ★ KonopCh ★ with this lovely picture of Black Cream Auto: 3 packs of 5+2 Sweet Seeds seeds [/URL'] ★ COALTRAIN ★ with this gorgeous picture of Red Poison Auto: 2 packs of 5+2 Sweet Seeds seeds [/URL'] ★...
  16. G

    Lighting hps/led

    can i put a 250 watt hps in with a 3oo watt led ? for full grow or part doing 4 autos no to big but am going 2 do a bit of lst on them 1st time doing it when should i start this also help me here i have had a few good seed they germed okay but did not come up about 4 out of 6 this happened to...
  17. Journey Man

    Seed Stockers Seedstockers - best photos

    The title says it all - The best of SeedStockers photos will be put right here. If you think you have got a beautiful photo of a plant/plants, then put i right here. Lets see your beauty's!
  18. FarmerD

    Live Stoner Chat Intro and pics Ak47 Amnesia haze

    Hey again guys I did post yesterday but no one seems too interested so I've decided to properly introduce myself to the AFN family. You can call me FarmerD, I have one successful grow under my belt ( a regular photo seed I got really lucky with out of a bag of weed ) and that little lady got...
  19. Sweet Seeds

    Sweet Seeds ★ Winners of the Sweet Seeds contest, April 2017 edition

    ✿ Photographic Contest ✿ [/URL'] [/URL'] April 2017 edition [/URL'] ★ KushNFT ★ with this lovely picture of Dark Devil Auto: 3 packs of 5+2 Sweet Seeds seeds [/URL'] ★ Sleeveofauto ★ with this gorgeus picture of Cream Caramel Auto®: 2 packs of 5+2 Sweet Seeds seeds [/URL'] ★...
  20. iWumbo

    Dragon Meds Duurty dragons and stone dragons

    Hello first i want to say thanks to all the very kind persons here. Also you afn arent lik community its like one big weed smoking family lol Okay main event is Duurty and stone dragonz Medium. Fox farms ocean forest Pots. 1gal pots, 16 oz cup to Start Nutes. None Light. Good ole sunlight...