
  1. Batigol

    seedling leaves, what is it!

    Hello, I have going some week old seedlings, and on some i have yellowing on the leaves, what is it? Might it be some burning... Lights: 23watt cfl Water: tap water Temp: around 20C. Humidity: 40% Photos down Thank you
  2. Batigol

    Seedling leafs (first time growing)

    Hello AFN, Reading the forum in the past 1 month like everyday here, so decided to start my first grow. Germinated everything mephisto way, and poted the seed in soil (florabella potting soil). Today is the second day after I planted the seeds in soil, and here down are the photos. Would like to...
  3. PropagateAndPro-Create

    Fast Buds Successful Cloning of a Snapped Seedling. Gorilla Glue Fast Buds

    Ok, now that it's been over a month I figured I would post this seeing as the plant has now transitioned to flower. I had a mishap where a gorilla glue seedling got broken in half due to clumsiness on my part. So being the tightwad that I am I didn't want to just discard a $10 seed. I had a...
  4. Debbie Chronicle

    New Grower my blue mystic auto already has brown spots...

    Hi guys, so I'm gonna cut to the chase: my 18 day old autoflower ALREADY has brown spots on the first set of serrated leaves (it shouldn't have that by now right???) I gave it General Organics Go Box nutes yesterday for the frst time but idk the leaves just look like their dying tbh... Idk what...
  5. Canadam

    Live Stoners New grower, trying my best on a budget

    Hey guys, I've been checking out this forum now for a couple of weeks as I was starting my first grow about 1 month ago (planted the seed 28 days ago) I am using normal light soil, 1 hfc light (need to check the wattage) and 1 long LED "kitchen light". I got a small nutrient mix from one of...
  6. Daipot

    New Grower Help!

    hey guys. I got a bit of an issue. I've recently started a grow and I accidentally tore the taproot on one of my seeds. I dug down a little to see if it was growing because my other two had already started. I thought that I had maybe put the seed too deep into the soil. So, I dug down and moved...
  7. xxxGAUGExxx

    Indoor Seedling Light Schedule 24 hours? when start 20/4 schedule?

    Hello all...was wondering when I should start the 20/4 light schedule with seedlings? I have them on 24 hrs light right now. Thanks!
  8. xxxGAUGExxx

    Indoor Seedling Ideal Temperature and Humidity in Root Riot / Rapid Rooters for Hydro

    Hello all! I was wondering after seeds have popped in Rapid Rooters or Root riot cubes in a seedling tray. If you had the ability to accurately control their tent environment... What would be the ideal temperature and humidity to keep them at? My findings for seeds have been about 78 to 80f for...