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  2. BLACKdestroyer (123).jpg

    BLACKdestroyer (123).jpg

  3. BLACKdestroyer (114).jpg

    BLACKdestroyer (114).jpg

  4. LetsBeBudz

    What to do when your auto isn’t an auto!

    This is my first grow. I got 3 auto seeds from Sofem seeds. They sent a freebie that was supposed to be an auto. Well I’m on day 62 and the three autos are well on their way to being harvested in the next 2-3 weeks. The freebie however is still not showing signs of flowering. I’m assuming...
  5. Abominable Citrus Monster x Cross of the Titans

    Abominable Citrus Monster x Cross of the Titans

    yeti cross - more info incoming soon! I wanted to get the photos up first, now that I finally have them all sorted out and ready to post. Its taken a while, but iI'm getting there. I have no photos of her right now as a seedling. they all looked so alike right then. I had all my dinafems, all my...
  6. Lilly_of_the_Zoo Grows Exotic's Grease Monkey / Mr. Nasty / (group grow)

    Lilly_of_the_Zoo Grows Exotic's Grease Monkey / Mr. Nasty / (group grow)

    I ordered a pack of Grease Monkey, because I bought it at the dispensary once, when I first moved to MI (before my room was up and going full time) and Ijust loved the flavor, bud density, and, well - EVERYTHING about it. I've been wanting to order it ever since, its just that every time i went...
  7. Lilly_of_the_Zoo

    Photography Some Ayahuasca Purple Bud porn- Trichy-est EVER

    I was editing photos last night, and i came across these two, that are from the FIRST AYP that I took down (this is the one in the photos I submitted to Mars Hydro for the light contest) She was so pretty, but i didnt realize just how COVERED she was, until i came across this unedited photo (s)...
  8. Frostiest AYP ever

    Frostiest AYP ever

    get in close to that photo... don't you just want to shove your face in there and take a bite? me too.
  9. SUPER-FROST ayahuasca Purple

    SUPER-FROST ayahuasca Purple

    This is one of the frostiest photos ive ever taken. look how THICK those trichs are! The only plant ive grown that comes close to it is my Glue Breath. But this one is a bit darker. It's like it's been coated in powdered sugar, almost.
  10. Ayahuasca 2

    Ayahuasca 2

    Another green cola. one of the 2 in that tent was more green than the other. Not sure why, because they were the exact same cut. They grew next to each other their entire lives, but when they were in veg, they had different lights. I think the greener one had a generic LED. Maybe that was it
  11. Ayahuasca 1

    Ayahuasca 1

    one of the colas on the first SCROG of my AYP. Pretty, but this was one of the greener buds. Most of them were black-ish purple, and a sea spray green color. Very pretty plant
  12. SupaHazee

    Photography How to remove EXIF Data on a Mac

    Here is how to remove EXIF data from a photo on your Mac. The app is Not in the app store it must be downloaded from a website. Here is the link It's very easy, you download an app called ImageOptim the website above shows step by...
  13. Death The Cultivator

    Photoperiod The Limited Editions: Ace Seeds

    Fuuuuuckkkkk everything else is my first feeling but realistically I have Jack Herer clones awaiting and some auto diesel going. So for anyone curious; this is my dedicated grow journal to Ace and their limited edition catalogue. it is my hope and intent with this diary to encounter some unique...
  14. Gonnagrowmore

    New Grower Day 12 flower new grower

    Here are some pictures of my current scrog. I have 10 plants in total 8 in scrog at 2.4m x2.6 x80 cm. using skyline200/600, Helios 6 mars and Chinese castnoo. I have about 7 hps I can use. But prefer to do a led grow. Water is dechlorinated by evaporation. 24 hours. I keep condensed water...
  15. Gonnagrowmore

    Live Stoners Hey guys

    Quite new to growing in general, I have genuinely found it second nature. Watched and learned most on YouTube. However I did manage to grow scrog last year that yielded 27 oz from 5 plants. ( two of them was crap yield ) So I’ve got the bug. Spent a tonne of money getting a perfect set up and...
  16. M

    Plant not flowering day 60

    What is the most time your autos took to start flowering? this is my first grow. I have 2 plants, both should be autos (northern lights from vision seeds). One looks real nice and started flowering at around day 30. but the other one isn't showing any signs of that. is there a way I could force...
  17. Ripper

    Photoperiod Ripper’s photo tent

    well just dropped 9 seeds. These girls will be run at 12/12 from start to finish. I am not trying to grow any monsters just to fill up some jars and hopefully get some strains that help with pain. These girls are all in 1.5 gallon pots. They will be fed mega crop and some cal mag. The line...
  18. E

    Outdoor Tropical Guerilla Test

    Hi AFN crew, Tropical Guerilla Test grow. New place, in the tropics. Always around 12/12. Still in rainy season, for a few more weeks. Test grow, guerilla style. New location for me. Test for some incoming sativa seeds. To find sites in this place. Brought in six beans in a bag of granola...
  19. sniper

    Live Stoners indoor photoperiod grow battle 2018

    if you are Interested in competing..let me know... Rules 1 Entry plant must be started by March 15 2018 ends july 21 2018 2 Entry plant have a maximum of 8 weeks of vegetative growth, before they must be flipped into flower(can flip with less veg time if needed). 3 Pics of entry plants must be...
  20. VitaMan

    Dinafem Remo Chemo Vape report

    @Dinafem-Mark I hope it's OK, I didn't grow this but I think its worth sharing. Bag appeal **** The buds are average sized, but absolutely covered in trichomes and resin. Medium-firm to the pinch Smell/Taste ***** Spicy-kushy piney, smooth, got some of Bubba's coffee/pepper smell. Got a lot of...